Weiner Dog needs a good home.


This is a purebred male Dashund whose owner recently passed away. Dog is a sweetheart, trained and in excellent health. In Penasco. Sent me a PM if interested.
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Just curious if it's a standard because a standard Dachshund is the only small dog classified as a "man stopper" and the only bred trained to hunt both above and below ground. There way more than what meets the eye.


I don't know the answer. How tall at the shoulder would a standard be? I only saw the Hund in passing. I know they are a breed that the owners love a lot.


I don't know the answer. How tall at the shoulder would a standard be? I only saw the Hund in passing. I know they are a breed that the owners love a lot.
They're good dogs Roberto.

  • The larger of the breed is known as a Standard Dachshund. They are the big brother of the miniature dachshund, some have described them as little Napoleons, they will take on anything

  • Hound Group; AKC recognized in 1885.
  • Dachshunds can be standard or miniature size. Standards range from 16-32 pounds, while Miniatures weigh 11 pounds and under.
  • Badger hunter, family companion.