Weird heat spike on Saturday

Did anyone else experience this?? Saturday morning, around 8:30-9:00, the temperature all of a sudden jumped. We had been outside on and off during the morning and it was hot and humid, understandably, but around that time when we went out, it suddenly felt like stepping, literally, into a furnace. (We are beach front at PDO). We looked at our outdoor thermometer and it said 114. In the next five minutes, it topped out at 120 (couldn't go any higher). I wanted to cry because I thought I was seriously going to have to spend all day inside!! Well, we figured there was something wrong with that thermometer, so we brought another one out and guess topped out at 120 also. It lasted for about an hour or so, and then it dropped back down to about 104. It was very, very strange....then we had the wind storm that night and the boat capsized near San Felipe....related?? coincidence??

Terry C

The weather station in Playa Lajolla/Playa Encanto said it was 117 around 11:00 AM. It also spiked. Then a sudden drop to 95 or so in less than an hour. Winds were 10 mph at 10:00 PM and 33 mph around 11:00 PM


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
We didn't come out at all Sat. morning until we had to go to the dentist at noon. The air conditioners were keeping up......So we didn't notice anything.....It is wierd tho, the wind and the boat......


LJ is fully aware of the cause of this phenomenan. She doubted the existance of the ancient Aztec Mexioodle breed of dog and angered the great god Mexioxchiloodle, patron saint of the Mexioodle . She was given the opportunity to repent but declined to do so.
We were sitting on the beach and the wind was coming in from the North - it was incredibly dry and hot - all of a sudden, there was a switch and the wind came off the water from the South and the temp immediately dropped.
Well, I'm glad someone else noticed it. I was afraid people would think we're really off our rockers!!! I have been in and out all day packing and cleaning (going home tomorrow - BOO!), so I haven't noticed which way the wind has been blowing. All I know is it's blowing pretty good and there is some good wave action going on!!


Lovin it in RP!
800-900 Saturday morning????Thats when I told a series of really bad jokes, could be related I dont know......