What a nightmare! I'm such an idiot!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
This has been a bad week for me, first the pedestrian near miss, the seatbelt fiasco and now this! Sunday eve., I was running around my house and yard, doing laundry, washing my Jeep and packing for my Colorado trip. I was taking a load out to the motorhome and ran into the ladder on the back. I got overbalanced, (I'm such a klutz, those of you that know me will agree) and had to jump off into the yard to regain my footing. Of course I was barefooted! You would expect nothing less from someone who does not wear a seatbelt! LOL! Well, I jumped into a sticker patch! I had 25 to 30 stickers in each foot! And I had a heavy load of stuff that I immediately dropped all around me on the ground. I'm standing there, trying to decide which foot to pick up and pick stickers out of first and thinking, boy this hurts! And then, you're so stupid.... Well, I picked all the stickers out of each foot and 2 of them broke off in my foot. I go in and try to get them out, nope. I soak my foot, nope. I go to work on Mon., come home and try to get them out, nope. So today I go to my doc. He had to CUT my foot to get them out! It hurt like a insert inappropriate term here! Worse than when I was walking on it. And, it was infected already!!!! They were a quarter of an inch long and probably full of cat poop! Now I have to take antibiotics and soak my foot 3 times a day in peroxide and water! So, I am supposed to leave on my vacation Friday morning. I still have packing and shopping to do. And I'm crippled. This is a 10 day camping and Jeeping trip so there is a lot of stuff to pack. I have to drive 10 hours with a sore foot. So, what did I learn? Wear some sort of footwear whn you are outside! Sorry I'm ranting but that's what family is for, right? I am soooooo stupid.......... ARGH!!!!!
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you're going to have a great trip.

It will be much better by Friday Chari, and you're going to have a great trip.
I know how you love the cat's, so take seven minutes or so, and forget all about it.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Chari, Linda's nickname growing up was "Pricklebottom" because of a hill out back that had cactus at the bottom and a sled that tipped over in the snow. It was a light snow that fateful day.... Can you guess which part of her hit first? I just told her I was going to tell you that story and she threatened me! Good thing she is 1,300 miles away! Mom had to de-splinter her. Hahahaha! I hope your feet don't detract from your fun...just think...you can numb them with MOJITOS! Or just keep driving to Denver and I will think of something! Oh yea...guess what we called her for short...just the first half of the name cuz we were too little to know better.:bunny::bunny::bunny:


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Ha Ha, Sheryl! In my 4 wheeling club, my nickname is Cactusbutt! LOL! I backed into cholla and had LOTS of spines in my backside! I had arrived back at camp ahead of the group and one of my girlfriends was there waiting for us. She leaned me over her Bronco and commenced to picking spines. Of course she was not done when the rest of my club arrived! LOL! I HATE CHOLLA!
This has been a bad week for me, first the pedestrian near miss, the seatbelt fiasco and now this! Sunday eve., I was running around my house and yard, doing laundry, washing my Jeep and packing for my Colorado trip. I was taking a load out to the motorhome and ran into the ladder on the back. I got overbalanced, (I'm such a klutz, those of you that know me will agree) and had to jump off into the yard to regain my footing. Of course I was barefooted! You would expect nothing less from someone who does not wear a seatbelt! LOL! Well, I jumped into a sticker patch! I had 25 to 30 stickers in each foot! And I had a heavy load of stuff that I immediately dropped all around me on the ground. I'm standing there, trying to decide which foot to pick up and pick stickers out of first and thinking, boy this hurts! And then, you're so stupid.... Well, I picked all the stickers out of each foot and 2 of them broke off in my foot. I go in and try to get them out, nope. I soak my foot, nope. I go to work on Mon., come home and try to get them out, nope. So today I go to my doc. He had to CUT my foot to get them out! It hurt like a insert inappropriate term here! Worse than when I was walking on it. And, it was infected already!!!! They were a quarter of an inch long and probably full of cat poop! Now I have to take antibiotics and soak my foot 3 times a day in peroxide and water! So, I am supposed to leave on my vacation Friday morning. I still have packing and shopping to do. And I'm crippled. This is a 10 day camping and Jeeping trip so there is a lot of stuff to pack. I have to drive 10 hours with a sore foot. So, what did I learn? Wear some sort of footwear whn you are outside! Sorry I'm ranting but that's what family is for, right? I am soooooo stupid.......... ARGH!!!!!
I guess the moral of the story is to slow down and be attentive. You can't imagine how much this applies to me also. We are so excited about life that it is hard to slow down and be attentive. Excuse my platitudes, its just that I see we have lots in common.