White Mexioodle


This 2 year old male Mexioodle (this is an ancient Aztec breed) was abandoned and ended up with Dee. He is a very unusual silver color. Unfortunately there is some sort of personality conflict with another male and cannot stay in the population at the rescue center and there is no place for him. 2 years old, quiet, very well mannered sweet boy. He appears to be a little malnourished but his coat is nice. He is at the vet right now for a check up and bath . NEEDS A HOME URGENTLY.

Call Dee at 602-324-7241


Yes, they were specifically bred for company to the Kings harem. Quiet, calm, no barking, happy to sit and wait.


LJ, you must appease the great god Mexioxchiloodle immediately. We consulted the oracle and made appropriate sacrifices. You must adopt not one but two of the homeless puppies!


Well LJ. You did not appease the great god Mexioxchiloodle. I think it's the cause of the 110 heat wave today. The God is angry.
What a darling dog! I went today to visit him. what would have worked for me is either a toy or a standard poodle. It was great to meet Roberto, eventhough I was a bit confused when he said who he was. I think I was a bit caught up with wondering what to do with the darling poodle. By the way, I also discovered where the Post Office is in Penasco. Just last week I did spot a mail truck which was something that had remained elusive to me for years.