Safe in Puerto Penasco?

Is it safe in Puerto Penasco?

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I'm sorry if this offends anyone that lives here. It is not my intention at all. I'm just trying to find out as much information as I can before I decide whether or not to bring my family here for a safe vacation.

I've heard some stories and read some articles about violence and drug cartels in and around Puerto Penasco. While I understand crime is not exclusive to Mexico (we have plenty where I live), some of the stories I hear are horrid. I, also, hear that Americans are targeted frequently. I know that most people say "Don't flash a bunch of cash, don't act arrogant, be respectful of the culture and you should be fine." However, I, like many of you, have a family to protect. I know that there are some truly terrible people in this world that do not care what you're doing. They want to hurt you. I realize there is a risk of encountering people like this no matter where in the world you are. I'm trying to gauge that risk in Puerto Penasco so I know if I should bring my family to this beautiful city.

I am hoping to find some real truth, from people who live in Puerto Penasco. How safe is it? Is it a place you recommend a young family travel? Your honesty is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


I appreciate the fact that you want to keep your family safe, but your poll is very narrow in scope. Nothing is black or white. The one thing I will tell you is that the statement you made, "Americans are targeted frequently" is completely false. I cannot think of one instance where an American was "targeted" specifically. If the incident that happened last December is what is prompting your inquiry, I can tell you from personal experience that I have been down there 2 times since then and on one of those trip I brought my 12 year old niece and nephew, with no qualms at all from their parents. Just last weekend I drove down alone (I'm a woman). Nothing out of the ordinary on either of those trips.

My suggestion to you is go with your children and enjoy the beach, sea, and sun. Do not let fear and rumor mongers get the best of you. Most of the people who say don't go have never been.
Thanks mis2810 for the quick response. The statement regarding Americans being targeted was vague. I apologize for that. It was not written with the intentions of meaning "Americans are specifically targeted in Puerto Penasco" - it was meant on a much larger. Which I understand is still quite the generalization.
I appreciate your honesty and encouragement to take the trip. I especially like the fact that you've taken children with you.


Rent a house at one of the Southern beaches and don't travel at night ( accidents a way bigger risk than gangsters) go into town for lunch rather than dinner and make the kids under 7 years old walk in a serpentine manner....


I should have added that the only thing I won't do is drive down there or back after dark. More so because of animals crossing the road than anything else, but once I'm down there, I'll drive around town at night with no problem at all - never scared. That being said, I generally don't like driving any highway in the dark - even if I was going to San Diego. If you stay on Sandy Beach or Las Conchas, all the restaurants and bars are within a 15 minute drive. Or, you have the option of going to the grocery store and stocking up on everything you need and never leaving the house or condo - not out of fear - but so you can drink and not have to drive, and/or just relax and not have to go running out every time you want to eat. Also, most of the condo resorts have on-site restaurants you can eat at. Not that I think any of them are anything special, but again, if you don't want to have to leave the resort to eat.


Just use the same precautions you would take traveling to any other country. I personally wouldn't drive at night in a unfamiliar area in any foreign country. The question of whether it is safe or not is too vague.
We just spent 2 weeks in rp and never felt unsafe. Drove around town, ate on the malecon and everyone was as friendly as always. Our drive back and forth to usa was fine. If you like , you can wait at border until several cars are going thru and caravan down in a group. You and the kids will have a wonderful time!


Lovin it in RP!
My wife and I have lived here for over 8 years. We just spent a week up in Arizona speaking to the RV community on this very subject. All we can say is from our personal experiences.
A man asked my wife "is it safe where you live, I mean completely safe?" She said that she loves living in Penasco and that he should come visit - she feels very safe here. He replied "but what if something happens to me, can you guarantee my safety?" She told him that she couldn't guaranty his safety going back to his car in the parking lot after speaking to her. He got the point.

After we got back from the show we have received several phone calls and emails from those that we spoke to at the convention. They thanked us for encouraging them to come down and taste Peñasco for the first time, some also said they will be back for sure and for a longer stay.

If you love the beach, incredible food and views, and super friendly people, I encourage you to also come to Peñasco and see for yourself!

PM me for any specific information you may need.
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motjl.....obviously you have never been to Rocky Point before. I live here & many Americans live here full time also tens of thousands of Americans come back & fourth from here on a regular basis. I know Americans who have lived here full time for more than 20 years. RP is very safe. If it wasn't I would not live here & they wouldn't live here or visit here. People from all over the US & Canada are here right now & have been coming safely to RP for decades. I only lock my door to my place at night while I am asleep. Not recommending you leave your door unlocked just giving you an example.

I normally drive at night when I head back to the US because the border crossing is quicker at night ( never had a problem ever ). Not saying you should drive at night just letting you know my experience. Treat RP like any other city you would visit. Pay attention, know where you are going, etc.

I will guarantee you that your chances to be harmed or robbed are far greater living in Phx or Tucson than in RP. Facts are the Facts research it on the net. Phx / Tuscon death rates via car crashes, home invasions, robbery, etc are huge. LA, Chicago, DC etc the crime & death rates are high but people still live & visit those cities. So if you are willing to visit Phx or Tucson or those other cities then you should certainly be ok visiting RP.

I will bet you one million dollars that if you come to RP you will have a great vacation & return unharmed to the USA. Name ONE American who has been murdered in RP besides the 1991 American transsexual that was killed by the American spouse while here on vacation..
For over a decade, we drove late at night on the Caborca Road (out toward Encanto / Dorada / Miramar) upon post-work-hour departure from The States. It was fun in a twisted sort of way to see the wide eyes of any newbie guests we had with us as we drove into the secluded desert on a 2-lane road, away from city lights into darkness. We could almost hear them thinking, "Where are you taking us -- really?" And then, after driving in, unpacking, pouring margaritas and sitting under the stars with the sound of the waves, they would predictably ask when they might schedule their next trip. Of course that was then. Now I would consider it almost as dangerous as driving at night around Phoenix.


For over a decade, we drove late at night on the Caborca Road (out toward Encanto / Dorada / Miramar) upon post-work-hour departure from The States. It was fun in a twisted sort of way to see the wide eyes of any newbie guests we had with us as we drove into the secluded desert on a 2-lane road, away from city lights into darkness. We could almost hear them thinking, "Where are you taking us -- really?" And then, after driving in, unpacking, pouring margaritas and sitting under the stars with the sound of the waves, they would predictably ask when they might schedule their next trip. Of course that was then. Now I would consider it almost as dangerous as driving at night around Phoenix.
...the two lane road from RP south to the beach communities is a danger at all times let alone at dark.No shoulder,pot holes,cows,unsafe Mexican drivers pulling Pangas and now as the coastal highway heads north construction detours...


For over a decade, we drove late at night on the Caborca Road (out toward Encanto / Dorada / Miramar) upon post-work-hour departure from The States. It was fun in a twisted sort of way to see the wide eyes of any newbie guests we had with us as we drove into the secluded desert on a 2-lane road, away from city lights into darkness. We could almost hear them thinking, "Where are you taking us -- really?" And then, after driving in, unpacking, pouring margaritas and sitting under the stars with the sound of the waves, they would predictably ask when they might schedule their next trip. Of course that was then. Now I would consider it almost as dangerous as driving at night around Phoenix.
Just to be clear for the original poster - the beaches Southbeacher is referring to are out of the main tourist area of town, which in my mind are Sandy Beach and Las Conchas. You wouldn't need to drive the Caborca highway to get to Sandy Beach or Las Conchas.
Just to be clear for the original poster - the beaches Southbeacher is referring to are out of the main tourist area of town, which in my mind are Sandy Beach and Las Conchas. You wouldn't need to drive the Caborca highway to get to Sandy Beach or Las Conchas.
Yes -- by Caborca Road I don't mean east of, say, Mayan Palace. I'm talking Las Conchas / Encanto / Dorada / Miramar / Mayan. And yes -- those areas are outside of the well lighted and populated Rocky Point proper, so no pedal-to-metal.
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El Gato

My family has been going down to Penasco since 1948 and we always felt safe - and welcomed. Are there places I wouldn't go at night? Yeah - same as any town in the world. Have never worried about bringing down the kids and then the grand kids and now the greats. Have we had problems there? A flat tire - someone was there within seconds to change it for us as DH is 80 and they didn't want him to try. Battery went dead - a friend brought one down within a day and in the meantime everyone checked to see if we needed anything or needed to go anyplace. Car conked out - while they were fixing it in Sonoyta the man's wife fed my kids and animals and put them all down for a nap with her kids.

Our family only has wonderful memories of Penasco - some of the best days of our lives were spent there and we have been people that have become life long friends.


I will bet you one million dollars that if you come to RP you will have a great vacation & return unharmed to the USA. Name ONE American who has been murdered in RP besides the 1991 American transsexual that was killed by the American spouse while here on vacation..
All good until the last paragraph...o_O


Well you are definately targeted as a tourist when you are in Penasco. No doubt about it. The pesky window washers are everywhere and very aggressive, slopping a filthy rag on you windows when you stop for a traffic light. Beware ! Keep your windo washer fluid full as you will need to use it a lot after the sloppy wash job.

As a full timer here, I grow weary of having my windows washed 4 or 5 times a day. That's my greatest fear here, dirty water window washers, it
can be frightening.


All good until the last paragraph...o_O
Banana boat killed a guy,old lady drowned on that idiots dinner cruise boat,my friend John drowned in accidents are your greatest threat ....after going down for 40 years and doing everything wrong whenever possibled(well I have dodged Mikes transvestitesi hookers) I think it is cool...well except those pesky Kidney theives are awful at spring break....


Actually there is danger here and you should seriously be aware of the following:
Bicycle riders. Weaving in and out of traffic on the wrong side of the road during the day and at night. Dressed in dark clothing with no lights or reflectors.
Pedestrians after dark walking along side the road and out into the lane.
Taxi drivers in general.
People in vehicles and on bicycles not stopping at stop signs.
Missing, obscured and non reflective stop signs on the side streets.
Night drivers with high power high beams on all the time blinding you.
Three wheeled bicycle vendors pedaling along slowly in a trafic lane.
Failure to yield. Many locals seem to have the idea that if they can get in front of you they have the right of way either on foot, on a bicycle or in a vehicle, never mind you are backing up or going 35MPH. Even when you have the right of way be alert.
Axel breaking, tire popping pot holes on most of the side streets.
Speed traps in Ajo and Sonoyta on the drive down and back.
GV Jack when he is in town.

Daytime in town driving is OK, other than the pesky window washers and fire breathers at intersections.