
I saw a lot more seagulls on my last trip June 1st. Usually by that time, only the older or less healthy ones still around. While the younger ones are in S. Cal bothering the tourists.
I still saw some pelicans but didn't note if their numbers were lower.
Even the trees are blooming 30-40 days later here in Phx. So something is going on this year.
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Yeah, I believe a lot of shit is happening.
Red tide, supposed to be back to back el Nino's and a polar shift.... Antarctica .... Nibiru.... Trump! The shit is hitting the fan yo!
No seriously..... Lol
My best guess is the pelicans are holed-up in the US fearing capture and deportation since they don't have a green card.

The California Brown Pelicans are tending their young at Isla San Jorge and the many other islands south.

Their thieving parasite buds the Heermann's Gulls are all at Isla Raza in the middle of the Gulf way down south tending their young.

The only "unusual" water bird activity that I have noticed is the number of Eared Grebes dead on the beaches, sometimes one every five feet or so and the fact that on 10 June 2017 there are still hundreds of them farting around in the surf when the entire population should be tending their young in lakes and ponds up north.

In a few weeks the young California Brown Pelicans will be starving to death all the way up here to Yuma as they have always done for thousands of years.




The California Brown Pelicans are tending their young at Isla San Jorge and the many other islands south.

Their thieving parasite buds the Heermann's Gulls are all at Isla Raza in the middle of the Gulf way down south tending their young.

The only "unusual" water bird activity that I have noticed is the number of Eared Grebes dead on the beaches, sometimes one every five feet or so and the fact that on 10 June 2017 there are still hundreds of them farting around in the surf when the entire population should be tending their young in lakes and ponds up north.

In a few weeks the young California Brown Pelicans will be starving to death all the way up here to Yuma as they have always done for thousands of years.

yep..all is the same...right ...

Well we did see quite a few Brown Pelicans but not in Penasco. On the shores of Bahia San Jorge we saw a hundred or more but north of El Golfo we saw at least a thousand of them sitting along the water at the high tide line. Those birds can easily fly a hundred miles a day in search of bait fish and can stay at sea for days. We did see an unusual number of Turkey Vultures at the bahia as there were nine large fresh killed California Sea Lions out on the mud flats. The zopilotes were just beginning to peck out their eyes and bungholes. We saw a skinny mangy Coyote dragging the skin and some leftover meat of a very young sea lion pup up to the dunes. He dropped it and took off upon spotting us and three vultures took over the prize in an instant. We saw a fresh dead small Leatherback Turtle maybe twenty inches across that had just washed up. The cleanup crew had no interest in him. We didn't see a single jellyfish.




Well we did see quite a few Brown Pelicans but not in Penasco. On the shores of Bahia San Jorge we saw a hundred or more but north of El Golfo we saw at least a thousand of them sitting along the water at the high tide line. Those birds can easily fly a hundred miles a day in search of bait fish and can stay at sea for days. We did see an unusual number of Turkey Vultures at the bahia as there were nine large fresh killed California Sea Lions out on the mud flats. The zopilotes were just beginning to peck out their eyes and bungholes. We saw a skinny mangy Coyote dragging the skin and some leftover meat of a very young sea lion pup up to the dunes. He dropped it and took off upon spotting us and three vultures took over the prize in an instant. We saw a fresh dead small Leatherback Turtle maybe twenty inches across that had just washed up. The cleanup crew had no interest in him. We didn't see a single jellyfish.

JJ Off the subject...sorry!...but really interesting
Does not bother me about less Pelicans. They are a pain in the ass when boat fishing. Try to take your fish, bait and get caught in your line. They get pretty wild when you get one next to the boat to release it.