Hot rumor


Rumor has it that the Donald has made a significant purchase of empty condos in one of Penasco's Sandy Beach collection? Anyone add to that?
Obviously, Terry, I'm just sayin'. Not a very good track record, eh? Penasco is like that hot girl who keeps dating asshole guys who treat her like crap. Anyway, hope for the best, etc. But keep your hands on your wallet!
Rumor has it that it was "The Donald" who sent down the shooters to drive down real estate prices even more!!:stir:

You know, if I had millions (billions ??) in cash just sitting around, like the cartels do, I would be looking to cause some events to lower real estate prices....then buy up the's that for conspiracy theory????


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
My friends from guau guau's say he bought playa azul..
You have friends? Wow. I always thought those gals from Guau Guau were very picky! :razz: :lobster:

I find it very funny that "Mr. You're Fired!!" is even being bantered about for a possible run for President in 2012. Is this the best we can do, really? I don't think I could vote for the Donald and that horrible comb-over hair under any circumstances!!!
You have friends? Wow. I always thought those gals from Guau Guau were very picky! :razz: :lobster:

I find it very funny that "Mr. You're Fired!!" is even being bantered about for a possible run for President in 2012. Is this the best we can do, really? I don't think I could vote for the Donald and that horrible comb-over hair under any circumstances!!!
Stuart....the economy is so bad, that the Guau Guau girls have all left and been replaced by the Dunas girls (after it closed)!!!:rofl:


You have friends? Wow. I always thought those gals from Guau Guau were very picky! :razz: :lobster:

I find it very funny that "Mr. You're Fired!!" is even being bantered about for a possible run for President in 2012. Is this the best we can do, really? I don't think I could vote for the Donald and that horrible comb-over hair under any circumstances!!!
Think about it a minute, compared to having Obama again, the country could buy him the most expensive hair transplants in the world and still save billions.

Terry C

Jerry, if it's steel the rooms are going to be smaller from all the rust. So Donald could get a great price per SQ foot on it.
Better to put in office a successful, proven businessman, rather than an inexperienced, worthless, communist community organizer, whose birth records and educational history are virtually untraceable. History and performance are more significant than hair style.


I saw Playa Azul has a new red sign and arrow...something must be up.
Cactus jack...4 more years baby! When you listen too the dumb asses the tea-party elected(thanks to corporate money) i think deep down in your heart you are sort of glad the crazies can't ruin everything!
Better to put in office a successful, proven businessman, rather than an inexperienced, worthless, communist community organizer, whose birth records and educational history are virtually untraceable. History and performance are more significant than hair style.