Anyone know where to get SOL in town?

Corona just may be the reason I fell in love with the Mexican culture, my wife, and the reason my insane dream of living on a beach in Mexico has become a reality.

Please tell me it taste even better in Mexico and I have only one question... can I buy it by the keg?


We usually drink Dos Equis lager in Mexico. We also like Dos Equis Amber, Pacifico, Negro Madelo, and Indio. I have taken quite a liking to Indio and buy it when I can. I usually drink dark beer In the states and think Indio hits the spot. The author of that article didn't give much of a review except to say that it tasted cheap. I think that it's funny that most of the popular food in Mexico is "cheap" food and wonderful.
Aw, way to bring me down a notch (which tends to happen only when I need it, of course)...when I saw this thread I was sure you were looking for SOL be found at 106.1
Indio and Sol were on sale at the Ley... but strangely no Corona. I elected to go ahead, break down, and cheat on my Corona with the Sol. I'll let you all know how it goes.