Bad fire in Prescott!


The Red cross and the ADS, animal disaster service has been at my College, Yavapai, since the beginning. We have people staying both in the gym, and in the one dorm that is not being remodeled. We are 1000% full, is what we like to say. A very busy 4th of July weekend for all of us in facilities. We've set up flat screen TV's in the Gym, along with a row of computers and that's just scratching the surface of what we are happy to do for our neighbors in Yarnell. Oh, we have opened our pool as well, with movies in the Performance hall on the big screen.
Yavapai College becomes animal shelter for evacuees of Yarnell Hill fires - National US Headlines |
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Channel 3 is running a special report tonight on Good Evening Arizona. "The search for answers. What happened on Yarnell Hill?" I hope this is the start of an ongoing investigation by many so in the future a tragedy like this may be avoided. The Hotshot crews stare death in the face every time they deploy and they need the best support and backup that is possible. Hopefully something good will come from this.
WHAT THE HE.......LL?????
Id like to kick the guy in the teeth that made the comment..... 'Perhaps there was a communication issue in your marriage.'"
He should be hung by his eyelids and kicked in the balls till he blinks.
Allright, I am spurred to comment. A tragedy? Of course, no question. No agency or company should place any workers in life threatening circumstances be they part time or full time employees, no matter what without disability and life coverage for the workers. Work danger comes in many forms, the firefighters might have been killed in auto accidents, airplane accidents or from many other dangers they face. It matters not how, but that they were lost. That said, there IS another side to the story: this is of course after the fact of the terrible accident and loss of life. The part time firefighters all signed contracts and agreed to work for the compensation and benefits stated in the contracts, the firefighters sought these jobs and knew what they were doing. Even though I feel it is negligence for the government entity to hire firefighters and not provide life & disability benefits I feel it is just as negligent for the individuals to voluntarily put themselves in what could be dangerous situations without having their own disability and health plans in place. There is a strong element of individual responsibility in addition to the responsibility of the employer. I wish all of the affected families a stable future and am saddened by their situation.
If it turns out nothing can be done and the part time families get limited benefits, I hope there is enough money from all of the private fundraising to at least afford them some help in addition to what they will receive in limited benefits.


I hope there is enough money from all of the private fundraising to at least afford them some help in addition to what they will receive in limited benefits.
Completely agree with you on this, I hope they get enough money. It appears that those who receive only limited benefits will still get at least $500K, and a two year scholarship for all children and spouses at Yavapai College. And this amount will most likely increase as additional donations continue to grow. Is this enough money for the families to move on with their lives? The City of Prescott is faced with demands of extending benefits to all that will cost them 24 million. I don't know how this amount would be distributed but if you do the math that's 1.26 mil each. How much money is enough?

I am not trying to be disrespectful in any way to the families of the fallen firefighters. This was a horrible tragedy and I can't imagine what the families are going through. However, they like everyone else will at one point move on with their lives and I wonder just how much money they will need.


Actually extending full benefits to all 19, over time, would come closer to 50 million. The trouble with all this bad publicity and rumors about the money and where it will go, the donations have been effected in a negative way.


Lets be real here. Though Prescott doe's have laws they have to follow as far as coverage is concerned, there are more than a few conservative people who look at the unwed common law situations that some of our Hot Shots were in, as less than.


Lets be real here. Though Prescott doe's have laws they have to follow as far as coverage is concerned, there are more than a few conservative people who look at the unwed common law situations that some of our Hot Shots were in, as less than.
Oh man, that's another twist to the story I haven't heard about. I wouldn't want to be the guy that has to make the decision about who is ineligible to receive benefits. Just a continuation of the tragedy.

GV Jack

Snorin God
I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and there are several determining legal factors as to actual common law relationships
and significant other situations. I believe that if the common law situation includes shared financial assets, etc that person very well could be considered
for those benefits. I hope they all get the benefit of the doubt.

(Kay considers me her IN-significant other, however she does greatly participate in the financial situation. What's hers is hers and what's mine is hers.)


I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and there are several determining legal factors as to actual common law relationships
and significant other situations. I believe that if the common law situation includes shared financial assets, etc that person very well could be considered
for those benefits. I hope they all get the benefit of the doubt.

(Kay considers me her IN-significant other, however she does greatly participate in the financial situation. What's hers is hers and what's mine is hers.)
Early on they knew there was going to be problems along that line and this quote show's it.
"We don't believe we're set up to make judgments on who gets what."

GV Jack

Snorin God
"We don't believe we're set up to make judgments on who gets what."
What a tragic and horrid position for anyone to have to be experiencing. I don't envy the judgor or the judgee.


Sea Shell Goddess
I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and there are several determining legal factors as to actual common law relationships
and significant other situations. I believe that if the common law situation includes shared financial assets, etc that person very well could be considered
for those benefits. I hope they all get the benefit of the doubt.

(Kay considers me her IN-significant other, however she does greatly participate in the financial situation. What's hers is hers and what's mine is hers.)
Many, many years ago I was informed that in the state of Arizona it is actually illegal to live together. I only know this because I myself broke the law :D!
I have no idea if this law was ever changed, but if not common law would not apply?


Yarnell Hill Fire: The Granite Mountain Hotshots Never Should've Been Deployed, Mounting Evidence Shows
"Thanks for this great piece of investigative reporting. I am amazed that neither the local Prescott newspaper (Daily Courier) of the local E-Zine seems to be incapable of doing anything close to investigative reporting.

"It currently looks like the Prescott elected officials and top city management have adopted 'circle the wagons' strategy and it appears to me that the news releases are being written or vetted by the City Attorney. The city has also hired a Phoenix public relations firms to help with additional 'air cover' or fallout (or more accurately, CYA)."

Keep up the good work.
Jack D. Wilson
Prescott Mayor Nov. 2007-Nov. 2009