Border Report (July 2, 2020)

Hit the border at Sonoyta at 11am, here are some quick notes:
-very light traffic and essentially no lines at border in either direction
-no US customs outgoing revision at all (i.e. no agent asking if you have over $10,000, arms/ammo, etc)
-got green light but red went off immediately before and after us :)
-Mexico marines seemed to be interviewing every car 100%; they were very polite to us and just asked if we were a single family unit; took less than a minute
-slow crawl through Sonoyta, didn't see anyone pulled over
-local cop at the end of town (where they usually have the Red Cross donation) didn't stop us but motioned to the car ahead of us to put on his mask; so this confirms that you should have your mask on all through Sonoyta inside your vehicle
-hit the PP sanitation stop at 12:05; it was a only a 10-15 min wait, everyone was VERY friendly and it felt relatively orderly
-we were just asked for our reservation and they were radioing to someone to confirm the number in our party and names
-as we parked next to the sanitation tunnel, I stepped out and a man quickly sprayed the driver seat and steering wheel.
-my wife walked through the tunnel with my older son; my youngest son was asleep but they were VERY considerate and let him keep snoozing :)
-once my wife got back I did the tunnel, I have no idea whats in the spray but it was really fast and easy; at the end they gave me a spritz of hand sanitizer, took my temperature with a touchless device, and asked me if I had any symtoms; overall it was VERY easy (although I could see how it could easy go from 10-15 minutes to much longer if tourism picks up more)
-I asked several officials at the checkpoint about the possible border closure and they all downplayed it completely; they seemed to be confident that it was nothing to worry about; maybe Kiko has quietly told people there will be some type of exception made for Peñasco provided they keep the control measures in place?
-beach is totally empty but its great to be here after 4 months away!
Good report,
On Thursday at 5pm sharp Sonoyta halted all tourist traffic made lot's people turn around to go home.
Only let perm res card holders and Mexican residents allowed past the check point in Sonoyta.

Now it's Friday at 11AM and there's postings on FB that Sonoyta re-opened travel to RP. Stay tuned.
I have my permanent Residency but the wife does not. Would she be able to get in with proof of marriage?
My understanding is she would also need a Perm res card. Supposedly July 15th they will let those without Perm Res Cards in.
Basically open the flood gates, but we'll see since CV cases are exploding in AZ, Texas, CA and northern Mexico states.

Sonora stopped most tourist traffic entering Mexico yesterday especially Penasco at 5PM for the 4th of July. (at Sonoyta, Mexicali etc).
Numerous cars had to turn around even with hotel reservation.

There was a protest march or gathering today in Penasco and magically Sonoyta opened (at 11AM) to allow traffic to go to Penasco
for those with Perm Res cards and confirmed hotel/condo reservations.

This Sonora/Penasco policy is crazy and confusing at best the way rules and non rules change every day.
The AZ Central article VegaDude attached is now outdated and incorrect because of the ever changing rules.

Updated at 4PM: Sonoyta has gone back to preventing people to drive down to Penasco for the 4th. Crazy times in Mexico.
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Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This is an absolute shit show! Where's the popcorn? :toke:

Wow! we don't have popcorn emoji any longer? I had to use the guy smoking a FATTY BO BATTY!!!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Hit the border at Sonoyta at 11am, here are some quick notes:
-very light traffic and essentially no lines at border in either direction
-no US customs outgoing revision at all (i.e. no agent asking if you have over $10,000, arms/ammo, etc)
-got green light but red went off immediately before and after us :)
-Mexico marines seemed to be interviewing every car 100%; they were very polite to us and just asked if we were a single family unit; took less than a minute
-slow crawl through Sonoyta, didn't see anyone pulled over
-local cop at the end of town (where they usually have the Red Cross donation) didn't stop us but motioned to the car ahead of us to put on his mask; so this confirms that you should have your mask on all through Sonoyta inside your vehicle
-hit the PP sanitation stop at 12:05; it was a only a 10-15 min wait, everyone was VERY friendly and it felt relatively orderly
-we were just asked for our reservation and they were radioing to someone to confirm the number in our party and names
-as we parked next to the sanitation tunnel, I stepped out and a man quickly sprayed the driver seat and steering wheel.
-my wife walked through the tunnel with my older son; my youngest son was asleep but they were VERY considerate and let him keep snoozing :)
-once my wife got back I did the tunnel, I have no idea whats in the spray but it was really fast and easy; at the end they gave me a spritz of hand sanitizer, took my temperature with a touchless device, and asked me if I had any symtoms; overall it was VERY easy (although I could see how it could easy go from 10-15 minutes to much longer if tourism picks up more)
-I asked several officials at the checkpoint about the possible border closure and they all downplayed it completely; they seemed to be confident that it was nothing to worry about; maybe Kiko has quietly told people there will be some type of exception made for Peñasco provided they keep the control measures in place?
-beach is totally empty but its great to be here after 4 months away!

Same question I just asked other poster....

Real question. What is the objective of your trip if you don't mind? Just trying to understand the dichotomy of what drives an individual to make the trip with all known factors and the fact that you mentioned, not being able to enjoy the beach or water and 10pm curfew? You said owner so maybe work on the property? More power to you. Almost jealous to some degree. Just a natural curiosity about life I guess...
One thing for sure: watch your possessions at the Federale stops. Heading North a few weeks ago the Federales pulled us over, made us get out and then proceeded to go through ever conceivable place in the truck, in our bags, in our coolers, in our toolboxes......we let our vigilance down for a moment and they stole a prized pocket knife from my backpack. I think the Federale shakedowns for people heading North are nothing more than a staged opportunity to loot and steal from unsuspecting and suspecting-in our case Americanos. Low life stealing scum! I want to go back and run that kid over-he deserves It.
Maybe they have to check on their house/property. Some don't have other people that can verify everything's ok= doors blown open, bees, water leaks, etc. We've had all these happen.
We have been going to Miramar, we encounter no locals, never leave our car until we arrive at the beach and Miramar being deserted we encounter no gringos. Actually a great trip whith no exposure to us or from us.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
One thing for sure: watch your possessions at the Federale stops. Heading North a few weeks ago the Federales pulled us over, made us get out and then proceeded to go through ever conceivable place in the truck, in our bags, in our coolers, in our toolboxes......we let our vigilance down for a moment and they stole a prized pocket knife from my backpack. I think the Federale shakedowns for people heading North are nothing more than a staged opportunity to loot and steal from unsuspecting and suspecting-in our case Americanos. Low life stealing scum! I want to go back and run that kid over-he deserves It.
"Federale stops" then you say "pulled us over". So did you get pulled over or was there a checkpoint? If you got pulled over, where approximately and for what reason did they say? Speeding? It's rare IMHO to see federales regularly on the stretch between Sonoyta and RP.


Yeah, someone posted about missing money, so when we got pulled over about 2 months ago, I took out my purse, and anything else valuable, then watched them as they went through the car. They didn't like my epipen that I need for allergy tests.
"Federale stops" then you say "pulled us over". So did you get pulled over or was there a checkpoint? If you got pulled over, where approximately and for what reason did they say? Speeding? It's rare IMHO to see federales regularly on the stretch between Sonoyta and RP.
At Lukeville/Sonoyta: There is a Federale checkpoint southbound immediately south of the Mexican immigration checkpopint, there is also a Federale checkpoint northbound prior to crossing the border, both of these checkpoints have been in place & staffed for 8-9 months.
"Federale stops" then you say "pulled us over". So did you get pulled over or was there a checkpoint? If you got pulled over, where approximately and for what reason did they say? Speeding? It's rare IMHO to see federales regularly on the stretch between Sonoyta and RP.
Waved over to the checkpoint would be the proper terminology.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
At Lukeville/Sonoyta: There is a Federale checkpoint southbound immediately south of the Mexican immigration checkpopint, there is also a Federale checkpoint northbound prior to crossing the border, both of these checkpoints have been in place & staffed for 8-9 months.
I guess I got confused when you said Federale because those are the guys in blue. They are the national police. I liken them to our DPS. They mainly patrol the highways. That's why I was really confused when you said that you got pulled over by the Federales because normally you do not see them very much between Sonoyta and RP as they are highway patrol mainly. I have my theory as to why you don't see them much on MEX 8.

So you're talking about the national guard in camo at the border? Ok. Good clarification for anyone trying to follow along for trip reports. I think distinguishing the difference is important.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Good to know they're still stealing... Read an associated press or reuters article on Yahoo about a year ago... I believe I may have posted it here. The citizens don't like the newly created national guard very much. Apparently they steal from everyone. At the checkpoints specifically. They don't get paid very much and border security isn't too exciting in Mexico. One of the reasons pre-covid they were always standing around doing nothing. Literally. This is when I asked who volunteers to get taken advantage of when I look at them and make eye contact we've only been asked to stop one or two times max... Knowing that they steal I make them tell me to stop or else we just keep rolling (18mph sonoyta sleep creep)... I'm sure obviously Covid has changed all of that.