Cooking class at Mickey's

It was so much fun!! We made Flounder Picotta and it was out of this world. A lot of places make this dish, but of course, Mickey puts his own spin on it and what a wonderful spin it is!! I cooked at the Hilton in Tucson for a couple of years, so I know the basics, but watching people who have never seen a chef in action was amusing. He let everyone participate and they had a great time!! Gretchen Ellingger (sp?) took the class also and will be writing an article for the RPTimes about it. If anyone wants to learn how to make a new, yummy dish, go to one of his won't be disappointed!!
Mickey's Place is on Freemont, going towards Las Conchas. It's past Sinaloa on the left side of Freemont in a rather new little plaza with some other shops. Sorry, it's one of those things where I know how to get there..............just not good at giving directions. it the first little plaza past Sinaloa...almost directly across Fremont from the bank on the corner? I know there is a coffee/sandwich shop there...the first shop in the plaza...
Use the landmark Black Dog, or is that even close?
Further down on Fremont towards Las Conchas, almost across from Bryan's on the opposite side of the street. Plaza del Sol is two-stories tall, the one with an arch in front. It's where the cars tend to park in two rows. There are two buildings that seem connected but with different design elements. The one with Mickey's is the first one. The restaurant is all the way at the back of the courtyard on the right-hand side.
Yea, it's a little hard to find at first......thanks Rosie!! If everything on his menu is as good as the flounder, it's worth finding!!