Desal last minute push by Dougie


When Katie Hobbit, the new democrat Gov., has someone explain to her what this project is all about, she will make Az pay 100 % for it as reparations to the Mexicans.
If you loved the shipping containers :
Based on comps from other recently approved projects of similar scale, this plant will cost approximately $1 B to build not including solar plant and pipeline infrastructure to reach Chandler or Tucson. The cost of making desalinated water from a completed plant is about $2,000 an acre-foot or $600,000,000 a year for the 300,000 acre-foot per year proposal on phase 1. In August the feds slashed some of the Colorado River allocations due to the plummeting level of Lake Meade. Arizona was cut 600,000 acre-foot a year. So, phase 1, with pumping and solar might run as high as $2 B for start-up and then $0.6 B a year afterwards to make up half the loss from the August cut. Presumably most of this water is intended for agriculture. Probably worth looking at how this will cost out and affect rates for various classes of users.
Did you know that AZ already has a desalt plant functioning right here in Yuma less than a mile from my home?

All of that new fresh water is dumped into the river right before it enters Mexico.

Not a single drop is used in the USA!



I don't believe there are any plans to pipe the new water to Az. The plan is to give the water to Mexico in return for Mexico relinquishing its share of Colorado River water.


I don't believe there are any plans to pipe the new water to Az. The plan is to give the water to Mexico in return for Mexico relinquishing its share of Colorado River water.
what water does Mexico have the wells they have that are running out???


That makes total sense. Good on the United States.
No Joan the Israeli group plan is to pipe it tu the USA. That is the one the water board just set in motion.The older Plan involved a swap with Baja farms….makes more sense but still devastates our shallow coastal region.

Big LA Times story today on groundwater over-pumping in Arizona and massive housing projects planned for west of Phoenix. Water resource limitations are really starting to hit Arizona hard. It’s not just agriculture but also plans to add a couple million new homes and a lot of retail extending out from Buckeye along the 10. Some really good policy people need to look at the cost analysis on desalination.


These uneducated farmers (if they were still alive) could explain the problem with expansion in Phoenix to the policy people.. as history repeats itself.. In southern California, Disney just graded part of a 600 acre project that includes a 24 acre lake to be filled and maintained with ground water and from the plans it looks like about a quarter of the project will be landscaped.. Another bunch of water about to be sucked out of system.. its called Cotino "A Story Living Community By Disney" it promises Disney like service.. really lines about 1 mile long..
In the miidle of the desert..
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This has been going on for many years in the California Imperial Valley. I have a friend in Brawly CA who is the biggest hay seller in the area. He originally sold wheat straw to the horse racing business, then to the A-Rabs. They found out about the alfalfa farms there and he started selling them alfalfa bales. They need so much that he has contracted every bit of farmland there to grow alfalfa exclusively. You can see his operation on the south side of I-8 in Brawly. Usually ten to twenty containers being loaded with bales that are then trucked to Long Beach and loaded on container ships on to the A-Rabs.

No more garden greens from the area any more as A-Rab cattle needs pays a lot more than the needs of Americans. Just one more reason almost all of our fresh produce is now outsourced to the Turd World.

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Big LA Times story today on groundwater over-pumping in Arizona and massive housing projects planned for west of Phoenix. Water resource limitations are really starting to hit Arizona hard. It’s not just agriculture but also plans to add a couple million new homes and a lot of retail extending out from Buckeye along the 10. Some really good policy people need to look at the cost analysis on desalination.
Hopefully Cotino Disney gets halted also..
It is toast…the Israelis and Ducey now in the private sector hustlers pushed to hard and the govenor got pissed ….good …..stupid plan …
Ducey hid the report that concluded that water supplies were insufficient for the massive housing projects proposed for west of Phoenix. Presumably this multibillion dollar desalination scheme was going to be used to ignore the findings. The Israeli company was planting stories that it was approved.