Drug sniffing dog


The HIGH quality AMERICAN grown mota that flows from USA to MEX is only purchased by Gringos in MEX that would never buy MEX grown cheap KRAP that in USA is only used by kids and getto rats.

LMAO at getto rats.
Back in High School (30years ago WOW) that's all you could usually find. But know what you're sayin JJ
***sorry for the OT reply***
50 YEARS AGO!...................

Acapulco Gold.............Ahhh, that was as good as it gets in those days.

Whilst in High School in Newport Beach, Peoples Republic of Kalifornica, I worked for a guy that built racing sailboats. We would always have a "special" boat being built for the Newport to Acapulco race. We were ordered to leave the access hatch into the hull unsealed. Upon leaving N-Port enroute to Acapulco the hull was filled with styrofoam blocks for floatation. Upon return to N-Port the access hatch was sealed with fiberglass and resin. The boat was returned to the factory in Costa Mesa and the hatch was cut opened. The hull now contained several hundred kilo packages of.............Acapulco Gold. And everybody thought the guy made his millions building boats!



Wahacan stood up very well to the Gold and Panama Red kicked both their butt's.
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Hey folks reading this forum hoping to learn something about Rocky Point. All the posters here on this topic are well meaning people, but they are only occasional tourists and cannot give you any meaningful info if you plan to live here.



Hey folks reading this forum hoping to learn something about Rocky Point. All the posters here on this topic are well meaning people, but they are only occasional tourists and cannot give you any meaningful info if you plan to live here.
Hey Joe!!! Now this one has the flavor, but no substance.


I am reading Sixty Miles of Border and I can now understand why it is so hard for hard working non drug people in Mexico to make a living. They are dealing with this stuff everyday and everywhere.


The Border Patrol has been getting some bad reviews lately. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/10/border-patrol-the-green-monster-112220_full.html#.VJspiMAAB
The related story of the overall impact of the trade on the average Mexican across Mexico has not been told as far as I know, but it is more interesting to me than border law enforcement travails. It's a story that prolly cannot be told, extremely complex, but I know of some specifics effects that are heardbreaking. Many benefit in some way from the trade and many suffer. I for one believe if the trade disappeared 'Poof' tomorrow the entire economy of Mexico would falter badly. Certainly many would be unemployed.
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Hey folks reading this forum hoping to learn something about Rocky Point. All the posters here on this topic are well meaning people, but they are only occasional tourists and cannot give you any meaningful info if you plan to live here.
however they seem to be well versed in border crossing which is a topic that a PPRES might not be as up to date as you do not cross the border that often since you live in PP full time!!!


While it is still profitable to grow had move pot, unfortunatley there has been a marked shift to other , less bulky, more profitable drugs. Heroin, Cocaine and Meth. to name a few. Poppys have been found growing in new areas of Mexico. I have read there has been an increase in some places in the use of heroin, boosted by addictions to the the much more expensive Oxy.
Mexican opium farmers expand plots to supply US heroin boom
Scary stuff. This is spiraling out of control faster than anybody wants to acknowledge.
So crossing the border this morning in to Mexican I received a red light. Had my dogs paperwork all ready and handed them their copies. They then took a dog around my car to sniff for drugs. When did that start ?
Monkey see, monkey do. Just copying what is done on the US side. Sensors first on the US side, now sensors before you get to the Red or Green light entering Mexico. Some dogs are trained out to smell the ink on large quantities of US currency.
Seems strange to me also but AZ talking about legalizing which should make a major hit in smuggling anyway.
Legalizing pot in AZ will have no impact on smuggling. Only a negligible amount of pot smuggled into AZ is consumed in AZ. AZ is a major smuggling corridor for distribution to other parts of the US, not the final consumption point.
and I want to know what are the dogs at the other 2 checkpoints in az.
smelling for ?
If you are referring to Border Patrol highway checkpoints - DRUGS! These highway checkpoints are "immigration" check points. As a US citizen, you don't have to answer any of their questions as to where you are coming from, or where you are going. US citizens are free to travel in their country without having to answer to the Border Patrol. They have NO authority to detain you for secondary inspection to search your vehicle unless they have adequate evidence that you are violating federal immigration laws, or are concealing illegal drugs. You can always say NO! If you are not violating any federal law, and you voluntarily submit, you are giving up your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! Just like paying mordita on the south side of the border, doing so makes it harder for the rest of US trying to preserve our Constitutional rights.
While it is still profitable to grow had move pot, unfortunatley there has been a marked shift to other , less bulky, more profitable drugs. Heroin, Cocaine and Meth. to name a few. Poppys have been found growing in new areas of Mexico. I have read there has been an increase in some places in the use of heroin, boosted by addictions to the the much more expensive Oxy.
Oxycodone and Hydrocodone are nothing more than low grade heroin. They are highly addictive pain killers for short term use. However, many get addicted by over prescribing. Heroin is much less expensive than these prescription opioids in the illegal market, thus the increase in popularity. Poppy fields are very colorful, and easily spotted by aircraft, or satellite. My brother in law was a commercial pilot, and for many years he has been watching poppy fields growing in the Mazatlan area of Mexico. Opium scraped from the poppy seed pod contains up to 10% morphine. Acetylating morphine results in heroin (diacetyl morphine).


heroin use is a choice born of boredom,fear,a history of serial abuse loneliness ... Most (95%) of users returning from Vietnam never used again....the answer isn't more prisoners,cops and people burdened with life altering police records...


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Posts by Smilin' Jack on this topic seem to be a breath of intelligible, sober, intelligent and factual air on this forum. And, he seems to have no entourage of likkers to puff him up. We look forward to hearing more from him.


If you are referring to Border Patrol highway checkpoints - DRUGS! These highway checkpoints are "immigration" check points. As a US citizen, you don't have to answer any of their questions as to where you are coming from, or where you are going. US citizens are free to travel in their country without having to answer to the Border Patrol. They have NO authority to detain you for secondary inspection to search your vehicle unless they have adequate evidence that you are violating federal immigration laws, or are concealing illegal drugs. You can always say NO! If you are not violating any federal law, and you voluntarily submit, you are giving up your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! Just like paying mordita on the south side of the border, doing so makes it harder for the rest of US trying to preserve our Constitutional rights.
Big talk...but have learned a few hard lessons of the cost of taking this route in rural AZ..yes officer.,no officer....and go on your way


Big talk...but have learned a few hard lessons of the cost of taking this route in rural AZ..yes officer.,no officer....and go on your way
Oh you know with Smilin Jack or Cactus Jack you're going to get the same O same O bravado. Very much unlike our friend moore_rb who holds the record for being cuffed at the border while saying you don't have the authority to do that to me for the 6th time or is it the 9th now?
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With all the stuff in the news recently about using US Citizens as mules crossing with drugs, and some of the stories that you hear about where someone has taped packages of drugs to the underside of cars crossing north (without the car owners' knowledge), is there anyway to check for that before crossing? I realize you can just look at the undercarriage of your vehicle, but what if someone has hidden something so high up in there that you can't see it just with a flashlight from under the car. How would you protect yourself from that?