Emergency Evacuation Insurance is nice to have



The last few weeks have been indescribably difficult and I have found much comfort in all the kind words and memoirs that soo many people have written. I haven't replied much, as it has been overwhelming in every way.
Just for me to know that my Mr. Black was appreciated by so many people! That the Qualities that I loved so much WERE seen by others! When it comes down to it, he was always a good-hearted human - and what more can we be? ♡
Many people have offered me their kindness and have asked how they can help. My family is surrounding me to be in a safe & loved place. However, I do find myself in a spot where many friends may definitely help lighten the heavy financial burden that I face.
I appreciate every single message and gracious word - more than you may know. Thank you.
- Naomi Black
Getting a dead human body out of Mexico or any other turd world shit hole has always been a problem as in every government "official" wants a chunk of change in his greedy hand before signing off on the carcass.

Mexico has ALWAYS expected to get paid off.

Even as a teenager back in the former southern California this was a common issue with kids that got themselves killed while partying down south.

Since relocating to Yuma I know of a half dozen cases where kids got killed in dune buggy incidents at El Golfo. The standard procedure was to prop up the body in the back seat of your car and just cross the border back into the FUSA without a problem.

An injured living person is even more valuable as any medical types expect a chunk of change as well before turning the person over to the next thief in line.