Fishing March 29th


After hearing such good reports from Shawno and also not doing so bad myself 3 weeks ago, I decided to fight the Semana Santa crowds and try my luck fishing.
Me and my long time friend Felipe left port on my boat, La Josefina, Friday morning at 7 am and started making bait right away, catching lots of candy macs and horse macs in the same spots. After filling the bait tank with plenty of live bait we headed out forty miles, only to find the drift at 1.5 to 2.5 mph. I held the boat in place a bit by reversing the engines and managed to catch a few big gold spots but not enough to keep us happy. We decided to try the 50 mile reefs and at 10 am headed out that way. Same thing there for several hours and we only caught a few trash fish and more small goldies.
At 12 pm the drift slowed and the bite was on. The goldspots began to really hit and we got lots of really good quality fish. one hour before high tide I went to my favorite rock and immediately caught a great WSB followed by a hit on Felipes line of a big white sea bass and a breakoff on my line. After this I had two major strikes and cut offs indicating a shark on my rock and no more sea bass.
We continued to fish for several hours , filling my fish boxes and headed in really late , just before sundown.
We met Jeff at the Marina and he had a great day also, but thats his story.
Pictures following


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I debated fishing this weekend, but Semana Santa... well, there will be other weekends. Glad you got on the fish, Dan!


That is a very nice WSB. Good looking fish box as well. Any reports of the yellow tail still biting


We didn't spot or catch yellowtail but didn't really target them this weekend. I believe they are still there. The real reason I went down Thursday, Stuart, was to bring my wife down. I left early Saturday but never left the house except to fish. Great crowds for PP but not for this guy.