Four Dead Bodies


So this was a sand buggy accident? What about the girls, happygirl?

The balance of two people who died left an unfortunate accident in the Cholla area known as La Loma, in facts registered today-Sunday, 12 December.

Apparently the lack of expertise in the maneuvers were carried out by the two crew of a motor vehicle known as the buggies, it was because one of them ceased to exist in the scene and the other lost his life shortly After San Jose clinic where all attempts were made to save him, which answered to the name of Juan Ramón González Escandon, a native of the town of Agua Prieta.
The person who was killed in the crash site by the name of Sergio Ignacio Carrasco Ortiz and was from the State of Chihuahua.
Both persons were approximately between 33 and 35.

The tragic accident occurred shortly after 10 pm and immediately went to the scene the local police, Red Cross, firefighters and rescue workers.

Went to the scene forensic services personnel who ordered the removal of the body to carry out procedures of law.

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AKA Carnac
I didn't hear about the girls on the beach or the guy by the dunes.....Post up your source please.
Ladyjeeper I dont know how to link you to it but if you type in google search tres mujeres muertas it will take you to the article One of the girls was a cook at Lolitas. It was in Playa Encanto. The guy they found in the dunes was actually found I think at kilometer 28 on the new highway to El Golfo 2 weeks ago. Body was also found by a poster on rpt.
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El Pirata

11 Noviembre 2010
Por: Alberto Aldrete Valdez

Ella es Jessica Adriana Quijada, foto que fue distribuida por Internet por sus familiares solicitando ayuda para su localización

Los cuerpos de tres jóvenes mujeres en avanzado estado de descomposición fueron encontradas semienterradas en terrenos de playa Encanto, ubicada a unos 10 kilómetros de la carretera Peñasco-Caborca.
El hallazgo ocurrió alrededor de las 14:42 horas del martes 9 de este mes, luego que la señora Angélica Oviedo Núñez de 32 años de edad reportó al número de emergencia 066 la presencia de algunos vestigios de restos humanos localizados a un kilómetro de la carretera hacia el mar, a su decir, buscaba mojoneras de un terreno de su propiedad, encontrando un hoyo que despedía una fuerte olor a muerto, al asomarse observó que en el fondo del hoyo estaba un puñado de cabellos, dando aviso al C-4.
La Policía Estatal Investigadora (PEI) proporcionó la información sobre el macabro hallazgo, al siguiente día y luego de las pruebas periciales, se conoció que los cuerpos corresponden a la de las tres jóvenes que estaban reportadas como desaparecidas desde junio pasado.
Fuentes cercanas a la investigación, informaron de manera oficial que uno de los cuerpos corresponde al de Jessica Adriana Quijada Miramontes, de 26 años de edad, quien fue reportada por sus familiares como desaparecida desde el domingo 13 de junio por su madre, la señora Adriana Miramontes, residente de la colonia López Portillo.
Es de señalarse que Jessica Adriana había quedado viuda con tres hijos, hace casi dos años, tras de que su esposo fuera asesinado en el Infonavit viejo durante una riña, quien se desempeñaba como cocinero de Mariscos Lolita de Isaac Pacheco.
Las otras dos víctimas son las hermanas Rosario Guadalupe y Juana Lilia Álvarez Zepeda, de 30 y 27 años, respectivamente, domiciliadas en la colonia Brisas del Golfo, las cuales fueron reconocidas por su vestimenta, según la fuente consultada, ellas también desaparecieron en junio pasado, el mismo día que Jessica, se supo que primero desapareció una y la otra al siguiente día, aunque el reporte de las hermanas fue hecho hasta el 17 de junio por un tío.
De igual forma, se informó que en el lugar de los hechos, peritos de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE), levantaron cuatro casquillos percutidos .9 milímetros y cinco más del calibre .38 súper, hasta el momento no se ha establecido el móvil de estos crímenes.
Los cuerpos de las tres mujeres fueron trasladadas a la Funeraria Carrillo de esta ciudad, donde se les practica la necropsia de Ley, iniciando una investigación para dar con el autor o autores de estos crímenes.
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El Pirata
It is Jessica Adriana Jaw, photo that was distributed by Internet by its relatives soliciing aid for its location The bodies of three young women in advanced decomposition state were found halfed-bury in lands of beach Enchantment, located about 10 kilometers of the Rocky crag highway. The finding happened around the 14:42 hours of Tuesday 9 of this month, as soon as Mrs. Angelica Oviedo Núñez of 32 years of age reported to the number of emergencia 066 the presence of some vestiges of located human rest to a kilometer of the highway towards the sea, to his to say, looked for mojoneras of a land of her property, finding a hole that dismissed a strong scent dead, when showing itself observed that at heart of the hole it was a handful of hair, giving warning to the C-4. The Investigating State Police (PEI) provided the information on the macabre finding, to the following day and after the expert tests, it was known that the bodies correspond to the one of the three young people who were reported like missing from past June. Sources near the investigation, informed into official way that one of the bodies corresponds to the one of Jessica Adriana Miramontes Jaw, of 26 years of age, that was reported by its relatives like disappeared from Sunday 13 of June by its mother, Mrs. Adriana Miramontes, resident of the colony Lopez Opening. It is to be indicated that Jessica Adriana had been widow with three children, almost two years ago, behind which his husband was assassinated in the old Infonavit during a fight, that evolved like cook of Seafood Lolita de Isaac Pacheco. The other two victims are the brothers Guadalupe Rosary and Juana Lilia Alvarez Zepeda, of 30 and 27 years, respectively, domiciled in the colony Breezes of the Gulf, which were recognized by their clothes, according to the consulted source, they also disappeared in last June, the same day that Jessica, knew that first the other to the following day disappeared one and, although the report of the brothers was done until the 17 of June by an uncle. Similarly, one inquired that in the place of the facts, experts of the General Office of the judge advocate general of Justice of Estado (PGJE), raised to four percutidos sockets,9 millimeters and five more of super caliber,38, until the moment has not settled down the moving body of these crimes. The bodies of the three women were transferred to the Funeral Cheek of this city, where the post-mortem examination of Law practices to them, initiating an investigation to give with the author or authors of these crimes. Comments: There are no commentaries
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, a male corpse was discovered by Americans riding in the dunes near Cholla Bay. There was a bullet wound in the head. They were told that it was the body of a police officer.
In the case of the three murdered women, two were first murdered, the sister of one was then lured by the murderers, and subsequently murdered. The two murdered sisters were from Hermosillo.


2 salty dawgs
never easy to read of deaths, especially with such unclear motives and circumstances.
I thank you all for posting what you have found, I wish the translations to english were a bit more concise.
RIP to those deceased.


Has anyone heard anything from US medial re. the bodies on I/8? Appears it's being kept very low key. I haven't read a thing about it in the US newspapers, on network or cable.

Please post if anyone has heard news. Evidently, lots of political clout being exercised to 'keep things quiet'.


Has anyone heard anything from US medial re. the bodies on I/8? Appears it's being kept very low key. I haven't read a thing about it in the US newspapers, on network or cable.

Please post if anyone has heard news. Evidently, lots of political clout being exercised to 'keep things quiet'.
Is this the same one which was discussed some time ago but was confused with mexican highway 8 versus US interstate 8?
The latest info on the four dead bodies found at km post 35 on Mex. Hwy.8, is that they were from Caborca, one being the son of a wealthy doctor.


There was a shoot out in Caborca earlier this month that injured a teacher,the mayor of Sonoyta doubled his security after the kidnapping of a educator and the the navy is all over the place busting loads of weed and in this case crashing and burning (a car they took from the ejido?)
Volcadura deja a 4 marinos lesionados

Aunque de forma extraoficial, se logró saber que cuatro soldados de la Marina de México, resultaron lesionados luego que el vehículo en que viajaban se volcó por la nueva Carretera Costera, tras ser reportado el accidente, al C4 de Caborca.
El percance sucedió el pasado sábado por la noche y pese al hermetismo que guardan las fuerzas militares, trascendió que los elementos de Cruz Roja, de la Y Griega, auxiliaron al Maestre, Jacinto Vázquez Alcasiries, de 42 años de edad, que presentaba fractura de clavícula izquierda; Cabo, Luis Miguel Benítez Cortez, de 27 años quien sufrió lesiones de columna y cuello; Edgar Servando Galván Javalera, de 22 años, quien presentó policontusiones y José Aldo Romero (conductor de la unidad), golpes múltiples en región pectoral y dorsal, con una herida de 5 centímetros en el parietal derecho.
El percance se registró a la altura del entronque, de la rúa costera y la que va a la playa “Dorados de Villa”.
Al elaborarse el peritaje, se concluyó que los elementos de la Marina circulaban a bordo de un pick up de la marca Mitsubishi, de color blanco, propiedad de Conapesca, del ejido 15 de Septiembre a Puerto Lobos, y al llegar al entronque con el camino que comunica con los Dorados de Villa, el conductor perdió el control de la unidad debido a lo mojado de la carretera, por la neblina que en esos momentos caía, sobreviniendo el accidente.
Al lugar también arribaron ambulancias del sector naval, y paramédicos de la Cruz Roja, de Puerto Peñasco, quienes trasladaron a tres de los heridos hacia el puerto, mientras que los socorristas de la Y Griega llevaron a uno de ellos al Hospital General de Caborca.


There was a shoot out in Caborca earlier this month that injured a teacher,the mayor of Sonoyta doubled his security after the kidnapping of a educator and the the navy is all over the place busting loads of weed and in this case crashing and burning (a car they took from the ejido?)
Volcadura deja a 4 marinos lesionados

Aunque de forma extraoficial, se logró saber que cuatro soldados de la Marina de México, resultaron lesionados luego que el vehículo en que viajaban se volcó por la nueva Carretera Costera, tras ser reportado el accidente, al C4 de Caborca.
El percance sucedió el pasado sábado por la noche y pese al hermetismo que guardan las fuerzas militares, trascendió que los elementos de Cruz Roja, de la Y Griega, auxiliaron al Maestre, Jacinto Vázquez Alcasiries, de 42 años de edad, que presentaba fractura de clavícula izquierda; Cabo, Luis Miguel Benítez Cortez, de 27 años quien sufrió lesiones de columna y cuello; Edgar Servando Galván Javalera, de 22 años, quien presentó policontusiones y José Aldo Romero (conductor de la unidad), golpes múltiples en región pectoral y dorsal, con una herida de 5 centímetros en el parietal derecho.
El percance se registró a la altura del entronque, de la rúa costera y la que va a la playa “Dorados de Villa”.
Al elaborarse el peritaje, se concluyó que los elementos de la Marina circulaban a bordo de un pick up de la marca Mitsubishi, de color blanco, propiedad de Conapesca, del ejido 15 de Septiembre a Puerto Lobos, y al llegar al entronque con el camino que comunica con los Dorados de Villa, el conductor perdió el control de la unidad debido a lo mojado de la carretera, por la neblina que en esos momentos caía, sobreviniendo el accidente.
Al lugar también arribaron ambulancias del sector naval, y paramédicos de la Cruz Roja, de Puerto Peñasco, quienes trasladaron a tres de los heridos hacia el puerto, mientras que los socorristas de la Y Griega llevaron a uno de ellos al Hospital General de Caborca.
In english,
Although of unofficial form, managed to know that four soldiers of the Navy of Mexico, they resulted injured as soon as the vehicle in which they travelled was overturned for the new Coastal Highway, after to be reported the accident, to the C4 of Caborca. The mishap happened last Saturday at night and despite the tight secrecy that keep the military forces, transcended that the elements of Red Cross, of the AND Greek, they helped the grand master, Hyacinth Vázquez Alcasiries, 42-year-old, that presented fracture of left collarbone; Tip, Luis Miguel Benítez Cortez, of 27 years who suffered wounds of column and neck; Edgar Servando Galván Javalera, of 22 years, who presented policontusiones And José Aldo Romero (conductive of the unit), multiple blows in pectoral region and number, with an injury of 5 centimeters in the parietal right. The mishap was registered to the height of the connection, of the coastal street and the one that goes to the beach "Golden of Village". Upon being devised the report, was concluded that the elements of the Navy circulated aboard a pick up of the mark Mitsubishi, of white color, property of Conapesca, of the cooperative 15 from September to Port Wolves, and upon arriving at the connection with the road that communicates with the Golden of Village, the conductor lost the control of the unit due to him wet of the highway, by the fog that In those moments he fell, happening unexpectedly the accident. To the place also ambulances of the naval sector they arrived, and paramedics of the Red Cross, of Port Rock, who they transferred to three of the injured toward the port, while the rescue workers of the AND Greek they carried to one of them to the General Hospital of Caborca