Got the jet ski wet and a little red this last weekend

Went out Friday and it was a little rough. Mostly learning hoe to drive the thing and what to expect. Way to much HP 160 Hp 900 # boat. but it was fun. I did fish a little dragging a Kastmaster with the pole in the holder behind me, first mistake. I looked back after a little while and the reel had been spooled. At least I didn't loose the pole. Re lined it and kept in in the lap there after and only caught one nice Sea Trout. Next day was still rough but not as bad. I caught a couple of Rock Bass and the largest Needle Fist I have ever seen.
My Electronics did not work as well as they should so I brought it all home to do a little tweakingNEEDLE FISH 2_edited-1.jpgNEEDLE FISH_edited-1.jpg
Going back in two weeks and hope the water is a little cooler. Was 95.7
how did the transducer for the depth finder work out where it was mounted? SeaDoo mounts theirs (an Option item) internally epoxied to the hull.... midship....


That is a big needle fish and man are those guy's fast, and you really notice it when when they get big.
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The transducer is stern mounted as Kawasaki has no internal good location. It seemed to work just fine but as the water was rough I did not go much over 22 mph. I used one of the stern saver blocks and cut it to fit and epoxied it on. It is some kind of a plastic? that you can screw into. I using it there is no drilling into the hull. Water temp is way to hot for good fishing 95.7 but I had a great time. Be back in 2 weeks.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Bill - Your transducer (where it's mounted) is only going to give you accurate readings when going slow. Same issue on my Kat. Reads fine when I slow down, but at any speed much more than 10-12 mph or so, there's too much white water coming out from under the hull and it disturbs the signal. That's where your GPS will be a big help - get close to where you want to be, then slow way down and you can scope the bottom for the rocks, reefs, and ledges.

Glad you got it wet!
Thanks Stuart
That is the plan but I am having a little problem with the GPS unit showing maps on my finder. I need to get back in the book and make sure what I am doing is correct. This time out the map was blank but I was showing signal aquired with bearings listed in the lower right corner of the screen. Like I said back to the book.
I found part of the problem was corrosion on the pins and holes in the connectors. A couple of shots of WD40 and it works.
The problem now is it will not zoom properly.
Well I also have a hand held to fall back on.
Wood Spinner, I'm new on here and was going to send you a private message regarding your jet ski but I need 5 posts to do such a thing. I have done some research but not clear on what I need permit/license wise for taking my jet ski to Mexico and fishing from it. Didnt mean to hijack your post but this was my only option.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
not clear on what I need permit/license wise for taking my jet ski to Mexico and fishing from it. .
You need your Jet ski registration slip from the states, a corresponding sticker on the Jet ski, and your mexican fishing license...

That's it.
You need your Jet ski registration slip from the states, a corresponding sticker on the Jet ski, and your mexican fishing license...

That's it.
Every time I've been stopped crossing into Mexico, they just checked my registration against the VIN, they never checked the registration number on the for fishing, I don't do any.