Has anyone ever purchased Soma in RP?

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
```~~~ORALE~~~``` BorachoTodd```~~~SOMA~~~ is a controlled substance, ```` NO````:usa:

Stop being Happy with the ~ ~ ~ crap. Right now. Or you are welcome to join him, your choice.
There are a few places that still sell it along with antibiotics, pretty expensive last time I checked. Farmacia in Cholla mall. It is illegal to purchase and bring back into USA.
But that rule has been broken many times by many people.]

Farmacias still sell Caridoxen which is 200mg of Napracin (Alleve) and 250mg of Soma, it costs $6-15 for 30 depending on where you buy.
There are other meds that have soma in them just need to ask.
Not something I would, do by the way!
I just had a co-worker ask me about it and I had no idea. No need to worry Joe.....I love going to RP, so surely I will not be doing anything to spoil my trip.Concider the matter closed

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I just had a co-worker ask me about it and I had no idea. No need to worry Joe.....I love going to RP, so surely I will not be doing anything to spoil my trip.Concider the matter closed

Oye borracho, quiero decir TequillaTod, solo tratando por ayudarte AMIGO! Si, puede comprar las Somas casi todas las farmacias en Rocky Point. Son TRENTA dolares cada botella de cien pastillas. Pues.... CUIDATE mucho CARNAL porque no quiere que tomar los dos el alcohol y las pastillas juntos.... ESTARAS DURMIENDO mucho.... OYE dont get caught bringing them into LOS USTADOS UNIDOS... entonces... your name will be SlammerTodd.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Truth be known, you can buy many drugs in Mexico that you cannot buy without a prescription in the US. Antibiotics are now very difficult to acquire, even just plain ol' Amoxicillin. This is all over Mexico, not just Rocky Point. The Mexican Minister of Health put out an edict on this a year or so ago and it pretty well dried up over-the-counter antibiotics.

One of the things that helps is asking for the drug by its active ingredient, not its trade name.

carisoprodol = SOMA
diazepam = Valium
tramadol = Ultram

These are commonly sold and available for the asking. The legality of bringing them back across the border? I'm not going to touch that -- you take your chances.