Hospitals suck...


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi gang, I just got home after spending 5 days in the hospital. Long story short, my liver filled up with fat and couldn't process any food. We don't know why but my drinkin' days are over... My decision. I have a month of pills to take, a bunch of appts. with doctors and will be off work another week. It has been a nightmare....They said it might take a couple of months to clear up...I'm just glad they finally figured it out....



Take Milk Thistle 175 mg... 2 in the morning and 2 at night. You can buy this at Wal-Mart, Fry's Foods. I buy through mail order Puritan Pride 1-800-645-1030.
Product # is 3492. This will detoxify your liver!!! Believe it!
One more suggestion and a product I use as well as diabetic friends use (many liver probolems)-go to and check out his product named Cynergy. It contains milk thistle as mentioned above and pure cinnamon. Both have been used for centuries to treat liver issues.
This is very interesting. I was just told that my liver levels were a little high. Wonder if this would be a good supplement to add.


El Gato

Glad they figured it out and that it can now be addressed to fix it! All our prayers and best wishes.


Man, what a long battle this has been for you. At least now you know the underlying cause of your illness. Thankfully the liver is one of the most resilient organs in the body. It is capable of much self healing if given a chance. Hang in there and win this thing.