How to post pictures

There's a little "thingie" right at the top when you click on Post Quick to the 2 globes and what looks like a filmstrip.....


El Pirata
I use the attachment! Some photos come up right away then you can search your pic's or doc's to post the ones you want.


I use photobucket to store my pictues, and if I choose to I can copy and past those pictures on here.. Like this. Don's a big boy, and I'm glad he's on my team. Or maybe I'm on his!!


First- Joe I click on the picture to enlarge it first and then copy it. If I just copy the picture as it is in the album it comes out small.
The picture was taken at Puero Lobo's about a month ago.

Dons doing well, back to work and chomping at the bit to wet a line again. He's waiting for the doctors OK, but the wound hasn't healed completely yet..Nasty stuff indeed.