I Found an Octopus in a Clam Shell

While out shell collecting at la Pinta estuary, I found an Octopus in a clam shell... this is a soon to be mother octopus because she is guarding her eggs that she has deposited inside the clam shell. It's Octo-Mom..


I Found an Octopus in a Clam Shell - YouTube


Stay Thirsty My Friends
I was once fishing in the mouth of La Marua estuary at low tide when I happened upon a nice 4 inch conch shell, so I stuffed it in the net-pocket on my backpack to give to my daughter after I was done fishing...

about 15 minutes later, from 100 feet away, my bro-in-law says "what's that on your backpack?" and I took it off to find a 12 inch diameter octopus crawling up the side of my pack.

It's amazing how small they can shrink themselves to fit inside a shell.
I've seen them get into beer bottles.. it must have enjoyed it in there because I didn't see it come out... LoL...

We used to find the pigmy octopi in clam shells all the time out in Cholla Bay they were a lot smaller, in fact there is a video of one of the pigmy octopi I found out of the water waiting to be gull food, I put it back in the water and it inked me, that ungrateful bastard... this one today was about 3 times the size of the pigmy octo-moms... if I had some wasabi with me this one would have been sushi... I'm just joking...