Landscape Nursey

Can anyone recommend a good source for landscape plant & trees near Puerto Penasco? We are thinking about planting some agaves, palms, etc. around our casa.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I've seen a neat little nursery heading north on Sinaloa just at the railroad tracks. Always wanted to stop in and browse. If heading to Las Conchas, make a left at the intersection with the Pemex across from Reggies. It will be right there on your left before you cross the tracks. I have no idea of prices or anything, but there seemed to be a good collection of color and blooming plants.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
There's also one on Benito Juarez just after the tracks heading north on the right. They have a lot of stuff and are real reasonable. For example, Hibiscus plants are 5 bucks and they are 3 feet tall.....My friend got a pot, a bag of dirt and a plant for 20 bucks! Heck, the pot alone here would have been 20 bucks.....


Stuart, that tells me how long it has been since you were here !! The nursery on Sinaloa has not been open for some time. It was nice though. I bought from them.

LJ, the nursery at the RR Crossing is on your OTHER right hand side, the left one. when going north on Benito Juarez. Yes they have a good selection and good prices.

Another alternative is the small nursery on the left side coming into town, past the BB Stadium.

This is not really the best time to be planting here though. The heat is starting to settle in, even at night. Be prepared to water a lot until they get established.

If you want some very small palms, let me know. I am always digging them out of my garden. They grow quickly. They are FREE !!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Yeah, it's been a little while, Roberto. Unfortunately, I've been chained to this desk for 12 hour days lately. Haven't had a day off (other than "official" holidays) yet this year. Weekends? What are those? Just another day in the work week. AND... the real topper... I'll find out next Wed. if I'll still even have this crummy job. 15% will be laid-off next Wed. On the bright side, if I'm one of those that gets walking papers -- I'M GOING FISHING!!!!

Didn't know that nursery was closed. I'd always slow down and look as I went by and promised myself one day when I wasn't dashing to and fro that I'd stop in and browse. Oh well.