Legitimate Pharmacy Recomendation


First of all, thank all of you for your contibutions. We have learned much from this forum and the local knowledge we've gained gave us the confidence to spend the winter there.

We've rented a house in Las Conchas for the winter and have put most of the pieces together except for a good local pharmacy. We have US prescriptions, but have found through research that we must also get prescriptions from a Mexican doctor for use at a Mexican pharmacy. The medications include blood pressure, estrogen, and pain control. We would like to find a pharmacy that we can trust regarding the authenticity of the medications. Thanks in advance for your help!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Santiagos on the main drag. I always use them. You may not need a prescription for some of those meds, but good to have to get the dosage correct. In some cases, the Mexican dosage may be higher, but you can just split the pill in half. Or if lower, take two.

Good knowledgeable pharmacist, speaks English, credit cards accepted.


My dr. here has a place on Sandy Beach and he gets his at Walmart or Sams Club. One of my meds I have to take a sub. But it seems to work the same. It is my asthma med where I really save. $85 co pay here and $8 down there.
If I need a prescription from a local (Penasco) doctor, how hard is it to find a Doc and how willing are they to write a script?


A few years ago, I tripped carrying boxes and really skinned up my leg. The front desk called a dr and gave me directions. The nurse cleaned up my knee and leg and the dr looked at it and asked when I had my last tetanus shot. Since I couldn't remember, he gave me another one. 15 min $8. What a deal. She told me they could bill my insurance but at the cost, no way.