Manny's has closed.......


My memory of Manny's is of my toddler grandson (who is 18 now) going there with us and being able to order for himself. He loved fish & chips and it was #33 on the menu. He didn't talk much, but he could say "thirty twee" every time we went there to eat - and there were many, many times. When they had the band and the dancing, that place was packed. You had to get there early if you wanted a seat. How sad is it that all that is gone. It was a real landmark!


I will miss the old landmark myself. I agree that the closing of the trailer parks marked the end of an era. I had a trailer down there some 20 years ago and the Mirador was the place to be. Only a handful of bars left and not much business. I guess the fish market has replaced the great times we had on the Mirador.


THe last few months the only action seems to be the Fish Market and Changos. Changos has a great band but is rather pricey. So, what is left in the Mirador to visit on a Friday/Saturday night out dancing/drinking? I've been tempted to go to Elixer but can't handle too much 'thump' music.


THe last few months the only action seems to be the Fish Market and Changos. Changos has a great band but is rather pricey. So, what is left in the Mirador to visit on a Friday/Saturday night out dancing/drinking? I've been tempted to go to Elixer but can't handle too much 'thump' music.
Capones on Sinaloa, good food and good beer.


So if we were to go for Spring Break 2011 where are we going to party? :( I wonder if its even worth going now..Manny's was why we went before


So if we were to go for Spring Break 2011 where are we going to party? :( I wonder if its even worth going now..Manny's was why we went before
Many places on Sandy Beach Wrecked at the Reef, Chango's, you always have the BooBar, Shark Bite, Debbies, Capones has some of the best beer in R.P. There are more than a few places still left to party and have fun
Yes The Pit is open! Serving food upstairs and drink on the beach. They have a basic egg tortilla and bean breakfast daily for $ 1.99 and it is good.
As usual a full bar and they have Indio beer. With our new space in PDO it is less than a 1 min walk for us.
We all need to go down more often, support the local economy ( not the Circle K group), Eat out more , drink more , have a good time, go out fishing on a local charter. just do what we can to support these folks and their economy. We need to think of RP as our place to go to relax and have fun at reasonable prices. If we fail to support them we will lose them. PLEASE DON'T BE A CHEAP GRINGO.
Wrecked at the Reef is moving to the old Reef Bar location. Heard that Mar Blu(restaurant below Wrecked at the Reef) was moving upstairs....don't know if they will keep both floors like the old Reef Restaurant (a few years ago).


It felt so great to be back in Penasco last weekend after a 6 week hiatus with my husband. If I were a man, Penasco would be my "mistress", but since I'm a woman, Penasco is my "Cabana Boy", and yes, I'll support it!



I can't believe Manny's is closed! WOW! That, along with the evictions, is the end of an era. But yes, the Manny's of a few years ago is not the Manny's of my college days!

Penasco Pirate

I spoke with Manny Jr. and Fernie this weekend...they say they are going to 'try' to open for spring break. We'll see?!? I'm hoping the slump starts to turn and Sr. decides to re-open for good!


^ thats good news! going to be going down there this weekend for memorial day, staying at the Granada Del Mar... Is the Mirador area even busy anymore?! If not, where is the nightlife at these days? haven't been down to RP since the PP laws went into effect.

BTW hello everyone, Im Chris