Motorhome Storage

Does anyone know of a storage facility where we could store our motorhome (that would be reasonably priced, of course)? We would like to be able to drive down in our car and then drive the motorhome from storage to PDO for our stay. This way, we could come down every month or two instead of two or three times a year! (I am basing this on the cost of storage (what we consider reasonably priced) versus the cost of gas each trip, and what we pay for US and insurance and registration). We never take it anywhere else because RP is where we love to go and I'm tired of paying the US insurance and registration for that reason. (I will be looking into trading it for a travel trailer to do the same thing, but wanted to look into this first). I have emailed Desert Oasis about this and am waiting to hear back. Any info would be greatly appreciated!


2 salty dawgs
I'm not an expert about storage in PP - but as an rv owner for 13 years (same rig), this I do know:
your rv will go to crap in a hurry if you store it for a month or more,
and then get in and expect everything to work ok.
hoses, belts, chassis - everything goes bad when it sits and is not run often, especialy in the salty air.
Do you start and run your rv every week or 2?
we do - and start the fridge on propane and let it get cool,
run the genset and a/c (lack of use is a sure way for these things to go bad).
if you want to have an rv in PP - trade that motorhome in on a trailer or 5'er - you'll have a lot less trouble.
just my 2 pesos. I know you can store a trailer at PDO for about $600/yr or so - maybe less. they'll move it into a space when you call and say you want to come down - pretty convienient.

good luck!

AZ Miguel

The Reef had storage for $35 a month. When I had my 5th wheel I stored it their for three months and was surprised at how much rust and oxidation formed in such a short period.


Another option is, near Desert Oasis is Penasco Security Storage which is on the right when you first enter town. It is around the cement plant and is easy to miss. It is very secure as the owner, Joe Dennis lives on the premises. It is far enough away from the shore that you do not get corrosion issues. It will get a good coat of sand on it and everything else that is not sealed up but that is par for the course for anywhere in RP. You may also be able to arrange something to where they will start it every few weeks as Joe does have a helper. The last number I had for Joe Dennis was 011526383845382
Another option is, near Desert Oasis is Penasco Security Storage which is on the right when you first enter town. It is around the cement plant and is easy to miss. It is very secure as the owner, Joe Dennis lives on the premises. It is far enough away from the shore that you do not get corrosion issues. It will get a good coat of sand on it and everything else that is not sealed up but that is par for the course for anywhere in RP. You may also be able to arrange something to where they will start it every few weeks as Joe does have a helper. The last number I had for Joe Dennis was 011526383845382
FYI....they have a For Sale sign up!

Another possibility is the covered park next to the self service carwah before Desert Oasis.... don't know the status of the park...I used to keep my trailer there, but the manager absconded with money (tax, rentals, etc.) and the state came in and shut the office down. I know they were trying to reopen with new management, but that's been about a year now, and sometimes you see the gate open, and sometimes you don't. One drawback is that they have 2 swimming pools there that they open to the public....with people roaming around.


I know that Playa de Oro 011 52 638 383 2668, in the mirador area, charges $45/mth for trailer storage about motorhomes I do not know but I do not see to much of a difference for storing it.
Around the same area going into Mirador Beach is Whale Hill storage 011 52 638 383 6066, Ruben is the owner and he also charges $45/mth last I know.
In my opinion, the Reef is to open to the sea breeze, making any metal thing rust faster.


El Pirata
Store it as far away from the Playa as you can..That is why the locals don't live by the playa...The brisa will take it out...Just look under your Suv's


FYI....they have a For Sale sign up!
The 4 Sale sign has been up for about 2 or 3 years. In speaking with Joe, he said he has it for sale just to see what kind of offers roll in. In these times, I don't think he will be selling it anytime soon.
We leave our 5th wheel setup in Plya De Oro. We go down about every 2 weeks for a long weekend. For us it is easier to pay the extra and not have to set up every time, 3 slides. Their storage is secure and about 45.00 per month. Great folks there. They have Wi-Fi but you need to be in the first few rows around the office. Just take the computer into the office and they will do the setup on it for you.
If you have a boat you can launch it there also at no chg.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Whale Hill

You can store it where I store my boat at Whale Hill. I've known Ruben Mendez (the owner) for years. He has lots of trailers, boats and RVs stored there. Even has a nice, quiet little campground, if you want to stay there. About $40 a month. He generally gives a discount if you want to pay the whole year at once. Good security; I've never had anything come up missing.

Whale Hill is in the Mirador area -- just keep going straight on the main drag past City Hall (don't veer right towards the Malecon) and Whale Hill will be on your right just a street or two past City Hall. Big sign on the street, can't miss it. Tell Ruben you know me and I recommended you. I'm sure he'd be glad to have you.

At this point, I leave my boat there most of the year. It *is* so much more convenient than towing it back and forth everytime I want to go down to RP. Same goes for the motorhome, I'm sure.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I wouldn't store anything at the Reef anymore. I had my trailer there for a little over a year and I had to take a 6 and a half horsepower shop vac to it to get all the sand out. I had sand in the window tracks! There was an inch of sand on the carpet! It was awful!

I had the trailer with Ruben at Whale Hill for almost a year after that. He's good people. I would store everything there.
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Thanks for all the info everyone!! I should have been more explicit in my post.....I was thinking more along the lines of covered storage just because of the salty, sandy conditions. PDO does not store motorhomes (or didn't as of a couple years ago) and they're not covered anyway. Nor does Whale Hill have covered storage as far as I know. We definitely want to stay in the Mirador area, close to PDO. We know our best bet would be to trade it for a TT or 5th'er, or sell it and buy one, but that process can be time consuming and a pain in the butt. But, I guess that's what I'll end up doing!! Anyone in the market for a used motorhome?????????????? (LOL!!)
Thanks for all the info everyone!! I should have been more explicit in my post.....I was thinking more along the lines of covered storage just because of the salty, sandy conditions. PDO does not store motorhomes (or didn't as of a couple years ago) and they're not covered anyway. Nor does Whale Hill have covered storage as far as I know. We definitely want to stay in the Mirador area, close to PDO. We know our best bet would be to trade it for a TT or 5th'er, or sell it and buy one, but that process can be time consuming and a pain in the butt. But, I guess that's what I'll end up doing!! Anyone in the market for a used motorhome?????????????? (LOL!!)
The only covered storage that I know of is out past Desert to the self service carwash...but I would be careful in terms of the stability of the management....the place was shut down about a year and half ago...the manager didn't pay taxes, or the lease, or do any maintenance.
To the best of our memory it is about $ 45.00 per month to store and a fee of $ 20.00 total to set it up and take back to storage. Remember set up is not leveled or hooked up to services. It worked well for us when our unit did not have 3 slide outs.
To the best of our memory it is about $ 45.00 per month to store and a fee of $ 20.00 total to set it up and take back to storage. Remember set up is not leveled or hooked up to services. It worked well for us when our unit did not have 3 slide outs.
Thanks Bill....