positive PP marketing



Hi everyone. I'm a guy who is trying desperately to bring people and pesos to Rocky Point by way of my beach volleyball tournament every April and October. This past April 4th was my first one and though I'd call it very successful for an inaugural event, I had a hell of a time convincing many players that Killer Mexicans were not lurking and ready to kindnap, shoot and/or behead them, thanks to those pimps pushing fear in the Phoenix and national media (grrrr!).

Anyone have any resources or ideas on how I can combat the hoax that RP is full of Stranger Danger?
My next tourney is not until October 23rd, so I have some time, but I'd like to get a head start on the counter-hysteria. It has been aggravating battling such wilfull ignorance, but I refuse to give up the fight.

Thanks for any suggestions!



Yes Rosie, I get it automatically by email every time you put the newest edition out - just got yesterday's reporting on Circus Mexicus, the Penasco 300, the 1000 trees, etc.
April was my first event with 30 teams at Las Palomas, and I was not aware of RPNO when I was putting the tourney together or I would certainly have contacted you - thank you for letting me know it's something you'd be willing to include - that's great news! I will certainly utilize "The News Online" in October. I anticipate 50 teams (= about 250 people) but I am not sure if I will continue running it at Las Palomas or move it to one of the Sonoran resorts; depends in part on Palomas' attitude improving.

Thanks for your publication - as an American gringo I appreciate the RP specific news in English - well done!

The local businesses need to do a little PR work in the AZ/CA papers.....it's pathetic on the lack of good publicity, other then ads that are placed in the papers.


I agree Joe - the Sonoran goevernmant or Mexican feds need to spend a BUTTLOAD of money on positive, smart tourism marketing to counteract all of the complimantary BAD publicity the American media has given the area. I think Rosie's paper has an article on this, yes?


I think you should try the Playa Bonita, they are good at scheduling events and you would surely get a bigger crowd and better prices. I for one would check it out.


Thank you for the suggestion, dmcauley, but I have to disagree.
There is a competing event now being played at the Playa that I used to attend before I launched my own tournenament.
I placed my event at Las Palomas precisely because many players were increasingly choosing to stay there - and I mean MANY - and driving down just to Playa just to play in the tourney for the day. It was crazy, and a natural, common sense move to stay where we play. Despite the slightly higher price (only slightly when the max number of people share the condo) of LP, an overwhemling majority favor the improved ammenities - it's really apples and oranges. The response I got to holding the tournament at a condo resort rather than hotel Playa was incredibly favorable. The beach condition/sand cleanliness is far superior at LP as well; Playa's sand is full of crap. My goal for the first event was 30 teams and I acheived that. My competitor usually has 70+ teams and he was hacked down to 35; of course he blames the economy, but the players all know better.
But again, thanks for the suggestion.
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Thanks, Kelney! That site does have some helpful info - thank you.


No Rosy, my competitor is a guy named Luis Garrido who has been throwing his tournament at Playa Bonita for about 5-6 years. I attended his regularly a dozen times until I saw the need for an alternative and I am striving to put on a far superior one for players. So far, so good.
Penasco del Sol is one place I may consider, as Betty Majors is one of the people I am discussing things with. The other possible sites are Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Sun. Mike at Chango's is a good friend, so he would like to see me move to the Sea to be more in tandem with the bar - that's where we have been throwing our Friday Night player's parties. I will go where the contact people are the most cooperative and easy to work with. Las Palomas is very beautiful indeed, and much of their staff was excellent to work with, but my main contact person there is being difficult, stubborn and giving me major attitude on the most basic elements; I don't need anyone to kiss my butt, just to cooperate and solve problems together instead of constantly being inept and creating problems and taking weeks to resolve simple issues and letting her ego rule her. Not a professional individual at all, even when I take into consderaton the "different" atmosphere/pace of Mexico interactions. Things should be easier the second time, not more aggravating. They are quite possibly about to lose my business.
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Mike is a pal of mine too. Sorry to hear Las Palomas is being difficult. Their loss might be someone else's gain, however. We had the Whiplash off-road race this weekend at the Desert Oasis, so I didn't get around town much. I sure hope Memorial Day is a better one for our friends who own/manage bars/restaurants.


Amen to that, Rosy. Rocky Point has suffered a one-two-three-four combination of blows in the last 7 months; unbelievable. Mike tells me Chango's is hanging tough. Even before Toby of Camel Toe Cantina's sad fate, he complained of dismal sales.
How was the Whiplash attended?
Oops! I started to answer your question about Whiplash and then realized it's my article for tomorrow's edition of the paper. I'll be back after I finish all the writing!


Changos was doing great last Saturday night. We even saw Scott Passmore from GMA channel 3 having a beer. the band was great also.
Is Mike the dark haired guy that kind of looks like Superman? He was visiting all the patrons, seems like a very nice guy.
Would love to see some Volleyball tournaments down by the Sonoran Sea/Spa/Sun.


No Eddy, Mike is in his 50's I'd say, about 6'1", graying hair, moustache, wears glasses - looks a little like Cliff Claven from Cheers w/glasses.
Volleyball tourney may very well materialize there - going down weekend of June 19th to talk to 3 different contact people for 3 places - Sea, Sun and Penasco del Sol. I am partial to the Sea because Mike and I have a good relationship and he wants it there - our Friday player parties at Chango's have been excellent twice now and it would be great to walk to them!