Press release from Periodico De Frente on Facebook

Review: My cut-and-paste from Facebook started controversy about validity / timing. So I followed up with one of a few links to a credible website, showing the story and date: So, while I hate the content of the information, I think it really happened. And while Landshark probably has it right (page 2), I just like to be apprised of what's bubbling "out there."


El Pirata
I guess wahoo does not have a facebook account, he does not want anyone to know what law enforcement agency he works for. Top secret, Jajaja, and as for the DEFrente
some special reporter with a press badge called it a bottom feeder newspaper so it don't count and the cheerleaders believed this. and then you got audleys calling a reporter and giving him a private email to a senor reporter, then he comes down here trying to get the scoop, and now we have john justice all pissed off on the radio cause the mayor came down here to party and promote Penasco. Heard they slipped in to guau guau's.