Private Elementary School in PP


We are looking to enroll our english speaking 7 & 8 year olds in school in Puerto Penasco and have heard about CIMA. Does anyone have any experience with the school (quality of the education; tuition; % of time teaching in spanish, etc.)? I
My employee, Scott Jeffery and his wife Gina used to have their son in CIMA. Email [email protected] he taught at one of the schools (I think Crece) for awhile and has his son in one of the schools, but for the life of me I can't recall which. Anyhow, I know Scott will be a valuable resource to anyone wanting to compare elementary schools. Good luck.


El Pirata
This is from an earlier post by Jim on the same subject...

The school behind Bryans is CIMA. It is a very good school that teaches in both Spanish and English (mostly Spanish). Jims kids were bilingual when they started there but some of their friends came in with only English and have learned Spanish quickly. It is a private school.​



My kids - thankfully only 2, not 4 :) do go to CIMA. This is their 4th year and I am very happy with the school. My kids like it very much as well. I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have but, actually, my wife is the one who handles things at school most of the time.