Puerto Lobos


Since the Boat Trip was postponed until Sat., a bunch of us decided to caravan down to Puerto Lobos with Mark as guide to check it out......even met asprinkles and his wife.
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Wow, very cool. I'm jealous. I wondered if you guys would be able to go out today or not. I had to work so couldn't go either way. I'd like to head that way one of these days. BTW, how do you post those pics bigger than usual?
Found that because I screwed when I was trying to add titles to the individual photos....some came out full size, while the otheres were the tiny ones. Go into edit mode, and doubleclick on the upper left corner of the individual photos....looks like a pencil....then check off the box for the size thumbnail
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BTW, the new coast highway doesn't show up on this map....the road to Puerto Lobos is about 1.5 miles hard packed washboard dirt right off it.....
The trip was made with a dually 2wd, a 3/4 ton 2wd with posi, a small pickup with 2wd, and the jeep you see in the photo. There was only one little stretch of softer sand once we got off the coast highway....maybe 50-60 ft....just speed up a bit and coast thru....no problem. If you remember the road to Cholla....before they started scraping it regularly...this one was no worse with the washboard. I made it up to the lighthouse with my dodge 2wd. I think Bill who has the dually said his tires were at 85psi, and my didge was around 50psi....so no need to even soften up.

The beach felt firm enough to drive on with 2wd (ever been to Daytone Beach?).....one of the ways out also looked firm enough to get up.

There is not much there...one little store...but if you go, bring your own water.....

I've been to Desemboque with a 2wd truck.
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Hey Joe, why aren't you on the boat?.. I wouldn't go out on the sand with a 2 wheel drive down that way unless I had a backup in case. It's always much easier getting down, than up.
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Kenny....I didn't drink any alcohol yesterday, and my stomach was acting up this morning....didn't want to subject the rest of the people to me stinking up the heads on the boat.

As for the sand, I walked around some, and it was hard like Daytona....I';ve gotten stuck out at San Jorge....thougth it was hard packed sand, but it was just crusted over stuff....finally broke thru.

Yeah, it's always better to have a couple of vehicles along....I carry a tow strap that I've used to help someone, and that was also used to get me out!!! There were enough locals around to help get you out if you asked. That's what happened to me at San Jorge....


on a 15 foot day!

Sorry to hear that Joe. Oh well, you're in PP and the weather is good, and man, It could be worse.

You know how it is..Your car or truck always starts...until you shut it off at the edge of the low tide, on a 15 foot day!:eek:
Hey Kenny... we were going to drop by SantoTomas on the way back to harass Jerry...but Chuck got a flat, and left earlier then we did...so that he could drive back slow....the rest of us didn't know exactly where his house is...so Jerry lucked out!


Joe you should have e-mailed me......I want to show some of you guys the stuff I'm trying to get going. We are taking a panga from my place to Bird island around New Years...if anyones interested I could arrange another one.......I bought a kilo of cleaned crab meat at the fishing camp on Friday...man was that good
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Jerry....the roadtrip was last minute with the boat trip being postponed...and it was late when we were heading back....if Chuck had been with us, we might have tried to find your house....I' ve been into Santo Tomas a couple of times....but not enough to find my way around.


Joe Thanks for the pics Sorry Michelle left the phone in the truck when we were eating otherwise there would have been another 4 people... This is one area where I really want to dive
Rob...I was talking to Mark about that....i'd love to head down there again if you go down with him and/or Rick....I'll hang out and watch the gear!!!! It was a great "exploratory" trip! My upload speed in Penasco is too slow for a couple videos I also shot. They'll be up on FB once I get home and convert them.

Hope you're feeling better....and thanks for all the stuff you brought down for Thanksgiving, and doing the turkey frying!!!!

PB270012.jpgPB270014.jpgGlad to meet everyone in Lobos. Wish you could see it when the wind is quite and the water is beautiful. I've been there for 25 years and have grown to like the life style there. We like to get away from people sometimes and unwind. Leigh These were a couple of fish caught off shore by the lighthouse