Puerto Penasco Pet Peeves


Starting this so as to not hijack the Bank Thread !!
The subject of the window/car washers in the street came up in the bank thread. It is one of my pet peeves after 9 years or so living here. My reaction is sort of mixed. Nice to see people trying to work for money rather that flat out beg. Not nice that filthy rags and no water is used, permission is not solicited and some get aggressive.

I actually had a windshield on a truck ruined at a Pemex on the way to Kino years back. Went in to take a pee and a guy worked over the windshield with a rag impregnated with rocks. When the light hit it after that it was hard to see the road. Friend has a brand new crossover that has been worked over by the street washers filthy rags and no water and it looks like someone has sanded the body with swirls and scratches. Stopped at a farmacia yesterday and came out to see a guy working on the window, said por favor no. He said in perfect english. well if you can't pay... Had to use the washers to clear the window after he got through. It's a major irritation at a couple of intersections as well as parking lots, but whadda ya gonna do ?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Starting this so as to not hijack the Bank Thread !!
It's a major irritation at a couple of intersections as well as parking lots, but whadda ya gonna do ?
That's where the 220 volt surger I have wired into the body of my truck comes in handy. ZZZZZZZaaaaap!


Major Pet Peeve: The Santander Parking Lot!!!!! UGH!!! I'll pay the extra $ at a different bank just so I don't have to go there!

Terry C

At ACE once they ruined the hood of my Suzuki Samurai. It happens at a lot of places.
We always go in together and depending what we are going in for one stays in the truck some times . 3 times in the last two weeks we went out to dinner and came out to a "washed" truck. PITA.

Put a sign in the window. NO WASH. How do you say that in Spanish? No lavar ? They won't read it anyway....


In March I was enjoying a few cervezas at Mary's with the guys, while looking down and watching a car get a total wash job with a dirty rag and a small bucket of water. I was really looking forward to seeing the anguish on the man's face when he saw his newly "washed" vehicle but the wives showed up first and had to leave. It was decked out in Wisconsin Badger stickers and the an old guy and his wife was next to me had a Wisconsin shirt on. He was an old cranky bastard type that was a little rude to the waiter so I was really bummed not to have seen his reaction. In hind site I should have pointed out the wash job before I had to leave...
My pet peeve was this holliday week-end , I seen more dead dogs laying in the roads than I seen in all the years coming down! Speeding and passing gringoes rushing to get to the beach and drink....poor dogs never could move fast enought to get out of the way!



The way I take care of the window washes is, when they clime up on my truck to wash the window I take off fast and lock the brakes. I call that a rolling washer.

Remember if you hurt them....that is a motor veh dingey, and you could get in trouble or go to jail!
So if they fall off your at falt! But to be honest, I feel sometimes that way myself. But when I stop, if one is near by, I give them 5 pcs not to do it and leave. i keep a bunch of small change in console. Heck, a few dallors lasts a week or more. I just realise there is no food stamps here, so to give a few pcs so they can buy food at the end of the day or beer, thats not much skin off my back. Thats what the states is for tho!

But at times I want my windows washed...I tell them, fresh water and lots of water, and watch the paint! They scoot away, dump and clean the bucket and full with clean water.



New PPPP. Bicycle riders. Most ride on the wrong side of the road facing oncoming traffic and juke in and out as if to keep cars away. Night time is bad, no lights or reflectors on most. The rule seems to be if they are not looking directly at you you cannot hit them!! They will work themselves between you and the curb at stop signs and lights and zip through even if you are already turning.
El tour will be next then you will have wait wait until they are done before you can get home LO

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There was a time when almost all the window washers were kids on Rodeo drive. Yes I know, a lot were sent out by their parents, but still the vibes were different back then.. Ha, I knew we were in trouble when they switched to selling Chiclets instead of washing windows.


PPPP. Probably all over Mexico, though. The thin, flimsy plastic bags at Super Ley and Bodega that rip if you put anything heavier than a feather in them.
The sea of plastic bags everywhere need paper bags seams like after every big weekend their is strong winds and blows them to who knows.
No plastic bags in british columbia ....you pay for them or you bring your own. I also like that grocery carts are linked together...takes a dollar coin to unlock cart, which you get back when you link cart back up. Cuts down on carts being left everywhere...especially my neighborhood.