Rocky Point Times



Hola everyone. Can anyone tell me if the RP Times is still in business? I've been traveling/living abroad so haven't had an opportunity to get down to RP for well over a year, and the RP Times website hasn't been updated since JUNE 2007! (the website never was very good to begin with, but it was something) so I was just wondering if they're still in business. I would subscribe to the paper but my travels make it really inconvenient (and expensive) to get non essential mail forwarded.

I also noticed that the website for Join Us in Rocky Point publication has disappeared. Are they still in business?

With all the gazillions of RP-related websites out there you'd think it wouldn't be so difficult to find out what's really going on there, but alas! it's not so. :roll:


I picked up the November issue of the R.P.Times last week.


Thanks. Hopefully I'll soon be somewhere I can find a copy.
RP Times has about half a dozen locations in Phoenix/Scottsdale where you can pick it up I have picked up both at the Seaside Reservations office at Tatum and T Bird


They deliver a stack every month to our office and developments. Sometimes it does not come out at the beginning of the month that it is published but it always shows up.


2 salty dawgs
where else in the valley can these be picked up?
I never picked up a copy over Thanksgiving, and would like to take a look
at one before Christmas.
Hello all, this is my first post here. Came to check it out and saw this question. I have lived here in RP full-time for 6 years and can tell you that both publications are still there. I write the Rocky Point Ramblings in the RP Times (and should be writing my column instead of this, because it is deadline time, but oh well). I came to this forum because I heard Kenny posted about my new ONLINE NEWSPAPER- it is a weekly and you might like it for information. That is I hope it is helpful to you!


PitiquitoRosy said:
Hello all, this is my first post here. Came to check it out and saw this question. I have lived here in RP full-time for 6 years and can tell you that both publications are still there. I write the Rocky Point Ramblings in the RP Times (and should be writing my column instead of this, because it is deadline time, but oh well). I came to this forum because I heard Kenny posted about my new ONLINE NEWSPAPER- it is a weekly and you might like it for information. That is I hope it is helpful to you!