Rosie gets the story, all of it!

Good report......FINALLY!!! It's only taken how long????

I'm not going to go into how these things can happen anywhere, including in the states, but, trying to sweep it under the table will not help the current economic situation in Penasco. If anything, it can sour the relationship with the "regulars", those of us who have been coming down for 20...30...or more years, and have been supporters of the town.

Yeah...I hate having to worry about the federale highway patrol working the stretch and forcing me to drive slower then I would like to....but if that keeps these types of things from occurring, so be it!

And I can't believe that there were no police in the Sonoyta station that spoke english.....pulleeeze!!! There are enough that can understand when someone wants to pay a "fee" to get escorted to the border past one of the long holiday lines!!! :twisted: Even Penasco has someone who can comunicate with us gringos!!!

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
We don't need more cowards in RP

Can you believe his so-called "friends" asked him to help cover it up since they have business interests in RP? Talk about self-serving a-holes! Sure, let's chance someone ELSE getting hurt or worse so that it doesn't impact our bottom line. I wish there was a way to find out who they are and if there's is a "public" business, we can all make an "informed" decision as to whether or not we want to patronize that business. Talk about cowardly behavior. Any question as to where I stand on this?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I don't have any words.............Will this turn into an escort type situation? I can't outrun anybody in my Jeep. Seriously, these business people can't be serious! I'll have to post up later, when my brain comes back.......Geez, this sure put a monkeywrench into my situation.......


Thank you Rosie.. That story shows have far you, with the help of Melody, have gone since the meeting you guy's had at the Black dog that night. The fact that D chose to contact you with this story is a testament to how important the hard work that you have done is, and will continue to be.
The response from the city government, if there is one, will be something I'll be looking forward to reading. As far as our friends with vested interest's in Rocky point are concerned; hopefully this will help get the powers that be butt's in gear, and they'll put some pressure on to make sure there is better, for lack of a better the road, and in town.



I can't outrun anybody in my Jeep.
Take that baby of your's off road where you're right at home, and most cars or trucks, especially a Ford Expedition, would just turn back.
these business people can't be serious!
They were so serious, you could have heard a pin drop from all that was not posted on this site from them.
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I like pie.
Staff member
I'm confused...

So, US media has always said RP is not safe and you guys have always said that's not true.

Now, someone comes out and says it's not safe and you're happy it's getting out?

I don't understand what I'm missing here...
If people are concerned....just wait at the border after crossing, then form your own caravan! The last trip down, I had instances in both directions of passing a slower moving AZ vehicle at about the halfway point, and then the people speeding up and staying on my tail until we hit Penasco, or going the other direction, until we approached Sonoyta.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
That sounds like a good plan, Joe. Maybe we can form a site that shows some of our itineraries so people can meet up. Linda and I don't get down much these days, but I sure like knowing you guys are thinking safety first!
I'm confused...

So, US media has always said RP is not safe and you guys have always said that's not true.

Now, someone comes out and says it's not safe and you're happy it's getting out?

I don't understand what I'm missing here...
Tyler...the point is that finally the story has come out...good or least we are informed....not wondering if it was true, or what the circumstances were. In previous news stories, there were inaccuracies, or the events didn't even happen in Penasco, etc. etc. etc. didn't happen in happened outside of Sonoyta!!!

Over the New Year's, I wound up running to the border to meet my daughter and her mom coming down, and then made another trip when they left a couple of days before I did. It was because they were concerned about their vehicle breaking down, and not because of this situation.....but being informed about what is happening let's you make contingency plans.....let's you look for possible "problems" when you wouldn't necessarily do so before. I'm not usually looking for someone possibly trying to run me off the road on my drive to Penasco.
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For me a big part of this story is that it came out at all, and in the way that it did. In a Mexican produced online newspaper, but in English.

It's been noted that the way the pigeon coops were built was all wrong, in particular the lack of infrastructure to support the mindless growth. I look at a open and free press as a important part of the growth that's needed in PP, if it ever wants to be considered a modern and safe community. Look at it as a bridge of sort's, without it, the road to a better place to live is just a dead end.

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I stumbled across this site while looking on line for more information about the recent carjacking so I thought I would put in my 2 cents. I have been going to Rocky Point for around 12 years and up until this past summer I have always felt safe. But the drug hit in RP, the dead bodies near the highway, and the cajcking have definitely got me rattled. It would be nice to think that the local authorities would realize the impact this will have on the tourist industry in town and would do all they can to ramp up security on the drive down and back, but from my experience with the local police (and based on the comments by "D" in the article regarding their failure to follow up with him) we probably can't count on it. I think the best course of action is for US travellers to RP to come up with a plan for their own safetly. I suggest there be a designated meeting point for people who want to caravan together in both Sonoyta and RP. One suggestion would be the Arizona Market in Sonoyta and perhaps one of the PeMex stations on the East (right) side of the road as you leave RP. Perhaps there could even be a big sign erected that says something to the effect of "Travellers meet here to caravan to RP/Sonoyta". I would think that the local proprietors would be more than happy to accomodate such a request becuase it would very likely bring them increased business from the sale of drinks, snacks, etc. by those waiting for additional travellers. When 5 or 6 vehicles have convened at the designated site they could all travel together. There is always safetly in numbers and I think it would be highly unlikely that even the most brazen carjacker would try to attack a car in a caravan this large.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I probably would have thought of that eventually Kenny. I can outwheel most! I'm still a little rattled at the changes since last year.....
For me a big part of this story is that it came out at all, and in the way that it did. In a Mexican produced online newspaper, but in English.

It's been noted that the way the pigeon coops were built was all wrong, in particular the lack of infrastructure to support the mindless growth. I look at a open and free press as a important part of the growth that's needed in PP, if it ever wants to be considered a modern and safe community. Look at it as a bridge of sort's, without it, the road to a better place to live is just a dead end.

Kenny that was deep!!! :rofl:

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Tyler, the ones of us that commented on the safety of Rocky Point were doing so based on our own experiences. My family has been coming down for over 50 years. My mom and dad honeymooned there in the days of dirt roads and a day's travel from the border. Not once in all those years, did any of us experience anything scary. Well, except when Louisa's son, Adrian, tried to kiss me when I was 13...that was kinda scary! That is my truth based on my experiences, and many others on this forum. It is not D's experience, but he is sharing with us for the right reasons. If I knew of people or situations that could harm others, I would say. Just like my sister and I are doing regarding our property situation. That doesn't change the fact that nothing bad ever occurred to us otherwise. But when something does happen, we have the right to know and the responsibility to each other to share that information. I still think Rocky Point is safe. I worry about the road down now and will take appropriate measures, and I want everyone I know to do the same. There are bad guys everywhere, and this economy makes them, and us, more desperate. No one I know other that the nameless "businessmen" are trying to change anyone's mind...we are just sharing what we know to be our truths.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
I don't have any words.............Will this turn into an escort type situation? I can't outrun anybody in my Jeep. Seriously, these business people can't be serious! I'll have to post up later, when my brain comes back.......Geez, this sure put a monkeywrench into my situation.......
LJ, if you can't outrun them, run them down!


Yeah we love Rocky Point but we are done with it for now, too much crap happening that they brush under the rug. We had planned on a may, november and December trip all have been cancelled. THEY NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE SAFETY.....