Santo Tomas


Just returned from Santo Tomas. Fishing from shore was great. I fished mostly sandy beaches so I only lost 1 lure in 4 days of fishing. Caught 15 keepers, released about 10 undersized ones, and had another 20 spit the hook. I had a ton of bites. I caught all corvina and leatherjack except for 1 sierra. Was really hoping to catch some triggers but no luck there even though I saw at least a dozen washed up on the beach.

Thanks for the advice! I used a silver spoon and a small minnow on light tackle. It was fun using a 6' rod with 8 lb. line. It was sufficient for the type of fiah there. I also used a hi-lo rig, but I suspect the abundant crabs in the area were chopping off all my worm tails and entire hooks. Didn't catch a single fish with the hi-lo rig.

Also caught a bunch of crabs at low tide. That was entertaining and the crabs were sweet and there was plenty of meat in them. Not the same as the dungies I'm used to in northern California but about the same as the blue crabs I buy at the fish market.

Next time, I will have to figure out a way to do some inshore fishing on a boat or kayak for triggers.


Btw, I suspect the reason I lost so many fish is because I was using a single octopus hook on my lures rather than trebles.


Net time you are down you can borrow my old red good
Thanks. I tried using a regular kayak but it was frustrating to say the least. One outfitted for fishing would work best. I saw some locals making ceviche with triggers and they said it was great.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
A lot of what was nipping you off probably were triggers. I used to throw rubber Cocahoe minnow a lot in the surf. The triggers would shred 'em in no time. Because triggers have a very hard, almost beak like mouth, they are very hard to hook from shore. Easier when fishing in a boat straight up and down; a good swift jerk when they strike will often hook them in the lip skin over that beaky mouth. Have also hooked 'em in the fins, the skin, the tail, all over the place.

They are very good eating if you get some decent size ones. The fish you want for the BEST ceviche in Mexico is the sierra. I've done ceviche with corvina and trigger before, but the sierra is truly the bomb!


A lot of what was nipping you off probably were triggers. I used to throw rubber Cocahoe minnow a lot in the surf. The triggers would shred 'em in no time. Because triggers have a very hard, almost beak like mouth, they are very hard to hook from shore. Easier when fishing in a boat straight up and down; a good swift jerk when they strike will often hook them in the lip skin over that beaky mouth. Have also hooked 'em in the fins, the skin, the tail, all over the place.

They are very good eating if you get some decent size ones. The fish you want for the BEST ceviche in Mexico is the sierra. I've done ceviche with corvina and trigger before, but the sierra is truly the bomb!
Hmmm. I didn't realize triggers were caught in the surf. Next time, I will bring a wire leader to bait fish.


AKA Carnac
I don't even like ceviche unless it is with sierra! What is sierra in English?
It's a mackerel. Melissa.... They are mostly small here in RP, I have hooked lots of them lately off the beach at Mirador .. Further out, we trolled a little while for them out at Konsag and all were over 30" inches...super tender mouths if you try pulling them in to fast, you will probably rip the mouth off.. mackerel&rlz=1CASMAE_enUS595US595&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&
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FB_IMG_1438701244312.jpg The Cardons behind the dunes is a great place to harvest these poles work with a loop on tip
I have suggested to the folks fishing in the rocks to use a float above there luer. Leader can be any length you want so why not try jigging in the sandy areas!
Tight line to the float and a quick jerk should make the luer bounce the same as in a boat.
Have never don the shore jig but it seems it may work.
A few questions about Puerto Lobos?
Any RV facilities, stores, gas stations with diesel, food places ? How is launching ? I have a 3/4 ton 4 wheel diesel not dual.
Any comments appreciated . We plan on being in RP for the winter and I am thinking on taking the jet ski down for a couple of days if there is a place to stay.


Puerto Lobos is little more than a fishing village comprised of cement block houses and three little stores that offer only the basics. Ice, beer, cigarettes, snacks and a few grocery items. Buy your food in Rocky Point and take it with you. There are no RV facilities of any kind that I'm aware of, so don't expect a dump station or anything else. Treat a trip to Lobos like a back country excursion because that's what it is.

There are no gas stations in Lobos, or anywhere else between there and Rocky Point. Locals buy their gas in Caborca or Ygriega nearly 70 miles away.

There are no restaurants. I believe there are a couple in Puerto Libertad 30 minutes away, but I've never been there and can't vouch for them.

I understand there's a hotel of sorts in Desemboque, but I don't recommend stopping there for any reason. There's also a new hotel in Lobos, but at this point I wouldn't recommend it either.

Launching generally consists of towing your boat out onto wet sand at low tide and waiting for the high tide to float it. Unless your truck is 4wd, this can be risky. A few months ago two fairly new trucks got stuck and ended up completely underwater as there was no one around to help tow them out in time.

On the plus side, the road from Rocky Point is in good condition and getting shoulders added where there haven't been any. Also, fishing is pretty good. Fishing is the sole economic base for the community. Some of the local inhabitants are permanent, others are itinerant fisherman who stay temporarily and then move on to other fishing areas. They harvest fish, clams, squid and so on for sale to fish brokers who send refrigerator trucks from Caborca. It's a glimpse into a world that's very different from ours. But if you don't fish, I can't think of any reason to stay overnight there. I enjoy the place, but I wouldn't go there if I didn't fish. If all you want to do is jet ski, you should probably just stay in Rocky Point. The nearest night life is in Desemboque, and like I said, I don't recommend going there nowadays.
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The Narcos have been killing each other near Y Griega again since August 28""""maybe up to 7 dead including my personal favorite Son of Sanaloa.We heard from a guy in Desemboque that the Narcos beat the shit out of the cops and they left town.He said it has turned out great as crime has ceased to exist.."
Still don't drive at night and all is well.The Puerto Libertad restaurants are ok...nothing could rent the hose next to me in Santo tomas for maybes 500 a week and haul the Jet down to beach on atv....
I fish off my jet ski. How far out to good fishing and will there be other boats if I get in trouble. I generally go out no more than 5 miles.
This year I am adding an electric motor as a back up. I am adding a larger battery in the front and will connect it to the start battery with an isolator to protect my starting battery.
How about Santo Tomas ?
Any gas, places to eat, RV places to park, power water etc ?
How is launching for my jet ski so I can fish. And most of all how is the fishing within 3 miles of shore ? When I go out will there be other boats in case I get in trouble ?
How about cell service with Mex. teles ?
you can fish within 100 yards and catch some nice fish if you know where and when. I fish with a car topper quite a bit with a 10 horse outboard. I also go in larger boats,depends on who is around ,Leigh