Sea Shells by the Sea Shore


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
La Pinta is the right turn road right past kilometer marker 32 on the road to Caborca.
Hey Mark...maybe I should bring a pair of snowshoes down for you so you don't sink in that soft stuff!!
Boy, I'll tell you that walking in that stuff with a shell bag and nearly 30 pounds of shells hanging over your shoulder can be a real workout... plus all the bending to pick up keepers and looking at others that aren't is good exersize... my lower back and leg muscles are just screaming at me today...


there is one rare shell that one can find in the Sea of Cortez that a NY Jeweler at the Tucson Gem and Mineral show was paying 25 bucks apiece for.She pairs it with pearls and leather
That's what they are... I just found 6 of them out in Cholla Bay today (I had helpers)... they are called a Tusk shell.... pretty amazing a creature lived in that little tube... there are several varieties of them, found on the east and west coasts of the US....



She Sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore... Protect our Beaches, Oceans and Sealife... if it's alive, let it live... Remember only to leave your splash in the water, and your footprints in the sand...

Sea Shells by the Sea Shore - YouTube
After removing all the sand & rinsing off the seashells, how does a person get the dead fish smells off the shells?
very nice video, I went to Estero la Pinta last year when I stayed at the Mayan and I did that on purpose because I was told the only way to the estero was through their Resort, I honeslty didnt like the Mayan but I loved fishing at the estero! I will be going again this Memorial Weekend and I really want to come back and do some fishing with my kids, its such an amazing place and Im glad to find out there is no need to go back to Mayan! :)