Shorefishing first weekend of June

Thanks. We caught two sting rays and a flounder too. Was trying to catch anything but rock bass and trigger.

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I like the rock bass but not the ones that are smaller than my lure. More often than not it's a small one and it's not a keeper. No perch not sure I've seen one before either.

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Adding two action shots that are pretty cool i think. 2nd pic would've been a PB Corvina but spit the lure on me about 10 seconds later



Nice video. I spent the last week in Las Conchas and have to agree that it was the best shore fishing that I experienced in the last 10 years or so. Previously I would be hard pressed to catch anything but rock bass and the occasional trigger. This year the corvina were thick. I also caught a sierra which was a first for me from shore.

Good job having your pliers with you. I caught a few leathers with no pliers near me and came away somewhat unscathed. My buddy was not as fortunate!
That is so awesome to hear Kelney. How big was the sierra? Would love to hook one from the shore. Hope next June is as active with all the bait running through bringing in all the better fish.

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My sierra was maybe 16 inches. I turned him and a few corvina into a tasty ceviche appetizer.

Were you able to use your same lure for your trip? I noticed you had the same lure for your fish. I lost A LOT of lures. Nothing fancy but typical Castmaster or generics of the same. I lost 3-4 on hard strikess, a number of other ones with weakened line as I was using 8 lb flouro and not retying as quickly as I should have been. I realized after 6-8 fish it was time to retie. I lost a few others that I would just categorize as technical difficulties.
Funny that you ask because I took pics of my lure last night because of how badly it got beat up. I used the same lure (and knot) for about 3 days in a row until I switched it up for some night bait fishing. This is a 1oz lure, I have a few different color variations but the blue seems to work best, they never have an all silver one in stock and guess after all the paint comes off it turns into a silver lure which works fine as well!

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I believe it's called a sling jig of some sort. I just work it at diff retrieve speeds keeping it off the bottom like a crankbait

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My sierra was maybe 16 inches. I turned him and a few corvina into a tasty ceviche appetizer.

Were you able to use your same lure for your trip? I noticed you had the same lure for your fish. I lost A LOT of lures. Nothing fancy but typical Castmaster or generics of the same. I lost 3-4 on hard strikess, a number of other ones with weakened line as I was using 8 lb flouro and not retying as quickly as I should have been. I realized after 6-8 fish it was time to retie. I lost a few others that I would just categorize as technical difficulties.
Kelney, I as well lost about $30 (4 lures) in Kastmasters the first week of June fishing from Las Conchas. I have never lost that many from break-offs before. Mostly from reef or seaweed snags. And, the first one I lost was recently tied on. I got hit and as my pole bent so fast and so hard as soon as I went to reel... snap! The other break offs were really hard hits as well. The fish I landed were all pretty good size, but the ones that broke off I imagine were much larger.

I usually have 20lb test on my reels. I know, it's not as much finesse, but when the tide is coming in so fast I hate to jack around with a 8lb or 10lb test. I had just gotten a new reel strung with 15lb test, and that's probably why I broke off so easily because I am used to the 20lb. OR, the fish were just big?

Wish I had more time to fish that weekend as like what has been reported, a lot of bait in the water, and a lot of fish chasing that bait.

What test were you using Kelney?


I was using 8 lb. Stren flouro that I was using on a 2000 size spinner. My largest corvina were maybe 4-5 lbs. and it took a little finesse to bring the 2 in that I caught on my light set up. I had heavier equipment with 20 lb. spectra but I was really having a blast using the light rig. I also got tons of hits on it. I pretty much used and abused my cheap spinning real as we went swimming quite a few times to detach my lure from the bottom not to mention getting pummeled in the heavy surf at high tide. So I will be upgrading to a more quality light spinner and probably string it with 12 lb. flouro. I kept my drag not quite so buttoned down so I think my break offs involved toothy critters biting high on my lure.
I don't go down nearly as often as I used to. I pretty much only go when Shawno invites me to fish with him now. I use 6# test when shore fishing rocky point. I catch a ton of fish and rarely get broken off. The biggest of the corvina will come in just fine on the 6# test. I have caught halibut up to 20lbs on it although they are the species that breaks me off the most. The triggers are easy but quite fun on the light line, too. 20# line is just too heavy in my opinion for the shore fishing in RP.

Try the lighter stuff, you'll cast farther, have higher catch rates and over all a much more fun trip. The best shore fishing lures I have found for RP are small silver spoons about 1.5"-2" long with a treble hook. Brand doesn't matter, they all work. I buy the cheapest ones I can find because the rocks do take their fair share. I have caught all the common inshore species on the small spoons.

The little blue or purple man-o-wars suck. They come up with the south winds. You can buy a jelly fish sting relief spray at scuba diving shops. It works good. I was on a diving trip in Honduras a couple months ago and we got nailed by a bunch of box jellies. The spray worked wonders. It's a vinegar mixture of some sort.

Enjoy, Ryan