Swine Flu


"The infected individuals were hospitalized for a few days and have fully recovered. The symptoms have been described as minor and similar to those of the regular Flu; fever, coughing, intense headache, muscular and joint ache, nasal dripping and red eyes. Officials in the United States have described the virus as a new sub-type of the (Cepa) H1N1."

Well first we get the Real Estate industry knowingly engaging in a criminal conspiracy that ends up tanking Puerto Penasco,then the drug war hits and now piggy backed on that we get the flu. Fox news next week "Chorizo WMD? That crazy idiot Glen beck will be all over it

Shouts of "Close the border"will be all over the rightwing talking points world.
If that wasn't enough, I'm sitting in one of the watering holes on the Mirador Sunday evening when I hear of 2 separate shootings in town......can anyone verify this?????....and I'm not one of the harbingers of doom in Rocky Point!!!1


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Ain't skeered, either. If the weather looks good, I'm still going fishing. :sunny:

The swine flu can't be any worse than the food poisoning I got one trip and thought I was going to sh*t myself to death! Immodium became my new BFF (best friend forever). I used to think I had a cast iron stomach, but that trip proved me wrong. In all my trips in close to 30 years of going to Mexico, it's the only time I've ever caught the dreaded Mexican Quick Step.

Mexico has had a bad year. Our "darling" media has only amplified and continues to make the situation much worse than what it is. I got an email from someone the other day asking me if it was safe to go. I told him "Hell, yeah! Go, have a good time!" If there's any bright side, it's strictly personal and somewhat selfish - I like it better when the town is quiet and it certainly has been my last few trips.

The Swine flu won't be what kills Mexican tourism, it's just one more setback. The nail in the coffin for Mexican tourism will be the day we read about a group of American tourists being killed by the drug cartels. The cartels aren't stupid. They know all too well that if they gun down tourists, the good people of Mexico that depend on us gringos for a living will rise up against them and they'll have no safe havens.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Oh Ha Ha Stuart!!!!!!!
I thought I was going to sh*t myself to death! Ha Ha Ha Ha! I've been there too. The time I had it, I laid on the floor of my bathroom for 3 days. It wasn't worth going back to bed for the 10 minutes in between. What did I learn from that? Do NOT eat ceviche unless you personally know the cook...er preparer, since it's not technically cooked.

Yes, I've been having to assure people that Mexico is safe. I too like it less crowded but it is bad for tourism. I will be down for 10 days in mid May. I CANNOT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Jerry, have another dose and relax. Our leader has experiance with swine. Why do you think he put Janet in charge of homeland security?
Swine-flu outbreak could be linked to Smithfield factory farms

The outbreak of a new flu strain—a nasty mash-up of swine, avian, and human viruses—has infected 1,000 people in Mexico and the U.S., killing 68. The World Health Organization warned Saturday that the outbreak could reach global pandemic levels.

Is Smithfield Foods, the world’s largest pork packer and hog producer, linked to the outbreak? Smithfield operates massive hog-raising operations Perote, Mexico, in the state of Vera Cruz, where the outbreak originated. The operations, grouped under a Smithfield subsidiary called Granjas Carroll, raise 950,000 hogs per year, according to the company Web site.
See the rest at

Another source w/info about possible links between factory farms and swine flu can be found at


While getting a plate of the best shrimp tacos in the US (Pico de Gallo on South 6th ave Tucson) a future new Democrat working in the food prep area sneezed and I had to think twice about my combination plate.
I think me need A MILLION PIG MARCH to Washington. I want my pigs,chickens,bunny's,cows and Pigeons to be able to walk aroungsmell the Roses and have a little fun before i sneak up on them.murder them(quickly) and happily eat them.
As a consumer i pay a couple extra bucks for range fed beef and would do the same for swine.
Ladyjeeper said:
Yes, I've been having to assure people that Mexico is safe. I too like it less crowded but it is bad for tourism. I will be down for 10 days in mid May. I CANNOT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well....it looks like the shooting has started....see the other thread on the shooting Sunday evening on Benito Juarez & Calle 13 by the bank.........hopefully this was an isolated incident!!!


Tom the Surfcaster
Safest place in the world if you are scared of Pig Flu is on a plane to Puerto Vallarta. You may even be the only passenger. When you get there the empty hotel should have been sterilized to an inch of it's life and the empty restaurants as well. I think the whine flu is a more fitting name. The media scares the cr@@ out of people and they whine instead of live their lives. PS: It is no more deadly than the flu that rages through each winter. Early reports of high mortality ignored the FACT that most Mexicans treat minor illness at home and don't rush to the DR.
All these "experts"...and and prophets of doom.....now the head of the AZ dept. of Health is recommending that schools NOT close if they have any kids with the swine flu....sheesh....where do we get those a$#holes????


amassingly "I was succesfully login on" I guess having one computer for your whole family is a sin
now a days, well needless to say I just spent the last 4 days re-building my front porch and my roofing in the shop and I came back and found a bunch of guys "scareed" about "fiebre porcina" well I guess if you consider Mejico all the territory that Mejico encompasses then you are f#$%ed, Mejico City is way down south and PP is way up north, and NY as well of west coast and other cities has it now, I mean the pork flu, then get down in your bunker and wait for the next 3 month to see what happen, I am not waitning for some government to tell me what to do and when, I have been working to hard to be scared, so beach here we come!!! well I have my family over for a BBQ so I guess I will get back to you!!


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