Tucson Mayor Says Penasco Safe!!


El Pirata
Peñasco is a safe place, said Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup for opening golf tournament
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■ It reaffirms Guillermo Padres and invites domestic and foreign investors to rely on the destination.

The issue of security and joint efforts between the states of Sonora and Arizona, is what was discussed during the press conference that offered the media Sonora Gov. William Father Elias and Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup at the opening of Gol tournament in the Mayan Palace resort.

Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup sent a strong message to the citizens of Arizona to visit Puerto Penasco, which is a safe city. He said that anyone anywhere in the world always have to have or be on alert, but for him Rocky Point is a reliable and that, for him, Rocky is the Riviera of Tucson.

Moments before the inauguration of the tournament was called "uniting states", the mayor of Tucson said that the relationship of the two states is on both sides, it takes free boundary, and recognized the importance of Mexican consumers in the Arizona, "Some malls reported that between 33 to 36 % of their annual sales come from Mexico, "he said and assured that he is willing to work as an ambassador of the state of Sonora and help people of Puerto Peñasco and state giving a good message to the people of Arizona to seek the destination.

Invited equally to Mexican citizens to visit Tucson since reaffirmed, is considered very important the participation of Mexicans to the economy of this city, emphasized that, in fact, he was always against Arizona immigration law SV1070, "That law has been passed in Arizona SV1070, many people thought this was unnecessary and inappropriate", said the day after the promulgation of the law, he sent a message to the people of Mexico that they feel safe travel to Tucson, Arizona.

He added that the second day brought together business leaders from the community and issued a statement on video that was sent to various cities in Mexico are calling and inviting people in Mexico than it is safe to travel to Tucson, again showing their discontent the law SV1070.

For his part, Governor William father acknowledged the work being carried out in both states Arizona-Sonora to strengthen ties of friendship but above all to create mutual work benefits the citizens of both entities.

It was clear that both the arms and the people, the issue of insecurity, and strategies on both sides, they must work together to find out the maximum benefit and well bring security and peace to the citizens of both entities.

Golf Tournament on "uniting states" Both leaders agreed that was a big hit for those who had the vision to build such plants in Puerto Penasco, that his vision was the right time and being given the reason, said they is a great place for domestic and foreign investors to invest in Puerto Penasco because no doubt will continue to attract the attention of neighbors to the north and also the nationals


Baja Arizona is coming my brothers from the retarded north .."Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup sent a strong message to the citizens of Arizona to visit Puerto Penasco, which is a safe city. He said that anyone anywhere in the world always have to have or be on alert, but for him Rocky Point is a reliable and that, for him, Rocky is the Riviera of Tucson.
He(The Mayor) added that the second day brought together business leaders from the community and issued a statement on video that was sent to various cities in Mexico are calling and inviting people in Mexico than it is safe to travel to Tucson, again showing their discontent the law SV1070."


Design & Marketing Gringo
We have the HD video coverage of this. Just got off the phone with several prominent news agencies in Arizona, several articles and news pieces developing :)


Nice, finally someone goes down to see that it is safe in Rocky Point, hopefully others from the AZ gov. will follow suit and visit to verify!!


Michelle Malkin...!!! oh well letting your source of facts (watch Fox news much?) pass, the reality is the big movers in the Construction and hospitality industries brought the Mexican workers in to to counter wage pressure from people that need a decent income....Now these same right wing Republicans are pretending they want the Mexicans to leave.It's all a show man...the big players have no intention of cutting off the supply of cheap labor.
SB1070 has nothing to do with people coming over Legally. I has to do with people coming over ILLEGALLY or people coming over and over staying the Visa or work permit. Maybe some should look into Mexico's illegal immigration policy. That's right they don't send you back they shoot you...


Michelle Malkin...!!! oh well letting your source of facts (watch Fox news much?) pass, the reality is the big movers in the Construction and hospitality industries brought the Mexican workers in to to counter wage pressure from people that need a decent income....Now these same right wing Republicans are pretending they want the Mexicans to leave.It's all a show man...the big players have no intention of cutting off the supply of cheap labor.
That being true and set aside... The inequities in the laws that are applied to immigrants to Mexico compared to what laws we have here in the states are glaring, and brightly!


different cultures, different laws applied differently to what they are suppose to be and besides that argument is in an already existing thread, the point here is that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel with the AZ gov. by having someone that belong to it going down and actually realising that the danger is in the mind of minolta!!


and by the way Mexico does not have the most strict inmigration laws either!!
"and by the way", I don't recall anyone said they did, do you? ;)
And by the way..The laws of a country can be very contrary to their culture.
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"and by the way", I don't recall anyone said they did, do you? ;) ,
OK, OK you won nobody said it!!
And by the way..The laws of a country can be very contrary to their culture,
exactly my point, you tell me how many laws USA has that they either do not get enforced or if they do they are modified acording to the officer on charge at the time of his tooth ache!! same as in China or Tibet!!
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Good for Mayor Bob to support Penasco, and I hope that his free stay & golf @ the Mayan had nothing to do with it. They have been working on this tournament for a relative short time to get the outcome & support its going to get. Its going to be a winner!!
It's a shot in the arm for sure. A lot of people will give credence to what the mayor of Tucson says. A lot of people won't too, but they wouldn't be going to RP anyway.