VHF Radio Calling in Penasco


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Hi Folks,

Looks like we need to find a new channel to settle on. For years, channel 26 was always the standard radio channel used in Penasco. Channel 26 had a repeater that increased its range. I believe the repeater was run by the Cholla Bay Sportsman Club. For whatever reason, channel 26 is no longer up and running. I have heard that the antenna was stolen, but the channel has been dead for some time now. Last trip, I thought both my radios were broken.

So - I'm suggesting we all standardize on a new channel whenever we're on the water. The Port Captain has asked everyone to use channel 16. In the US, channel 16 is the default station for emergency broadcasts, so it's not a bad idea to keep your radio on 16 anytime you're not using the radio. However, 16 is exclusively for that purpose - emergencies. It's not a hailing or conversation channel.

For general purposes, I'm suggesting channel 68. If you agree, let me know here. For those of you with scanning, you can just set your radio to scan to monitor both channels. If you want to reach me on the water, try hailing for me (Constancia) on channel 68. If channel 26 ever comes back to life, then it's business as usual, but 68 is good in the meantime.

Also - it would be interesting to know how many of you have DSC capable radios on board. DSC provides a great way to communicate with each other individually and relay your current coordinates at the same time.

:fish: :fish: :fish:
Hey, Stuart, I was told the Mexican Navy removed the attenna, they told a friend of mine that drug smugglers were using it, who knows what really happend


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Any particular reason for not liking 68, Ric? Just curious. San Carlos uses that channel and it seems to work well there. They also have a repeater on 68. Granted, that's hundred of miles from us. Like I said, I'm just trying to get us all synched on a channel for hailing and general chatter. I/You/We can always move to a different channel once we've made contact.

Drug smugglers were using 26 and the Mexican Navy removed it?? Possible I suppose, but it's Mexico, so agreed, who the hell really knows what happened.

What I *do* know is that I feel a little lost out there without 26 and not being able to reach anybody else at the moment.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Yeah Don... just call me the Rocky Point Coast Guard! Boat fire rescue last year, towing somebody back to Cholla this year. It's a karma thing. I'd sure want somebody to help me in a similar situation. That's why this is an important discussion - to save our own butts.


Remember the two young kayers, back in, was it February? Part of the discussion centered around a list of cell phone #'s for folks willing/able to help. Does anyone know if that list was created?
What's wrong with staying with 26? Even if the repeater is gone???

I haven't been riding my jetskis as much as I used to, but when I was, I towed a dive boat back to JJ's....they were anchored out past the light with their engine dead....and none of the local pangas made any attempt to help them.....and yes....with a jetski!!!! (it's only 215 HP supercharged)....

What ever happened to the search and rescue that was run out of Cholla??? A friend of mine (Martine Taylor) used to be in that....
Remember the two young kayers, back in, was it February? Part of the discussion centered around a list of cell phone #'s for folks willing/able to help. Does anyone know if that list was created?
If it's any help our local number is 383-4963 and we have been called by some of the local boats for assistance. I guess you would need to have a local cell phone to call us while out on the boat.


A cell phone is a really good backup. I have AT&T that works here or Mexico. When I had both motors go out a few years ago, Cholla Bay wasn't working and I was only able to talk to another fishing boat for a few seconds. Since my Spanish is limited, I was unable to get my coordinates to him before we lost contact. I've talked on my cell from 42 mi. out. We were able to contact someone on shore from 17 mi. out. Subsequently the Armada Naval rescued us and towed me in.
If possible, I always file a float plan by radio on my way out. I think someone would do well to reinstate Cholla Bay Rescue or something similar. In Kino, there's Kino Bay Rescue. I always file a float plan with Marina San Carlos when I go out of there. Besides the call phone as a backup, I always leave word with a responsible person what my sometimes ambiguous plans are. If you're going to have radio problems, you'd do well to have a backup plan or two.

