Xmas in rp

We're spending Xmas in RP this year:D. We've been there for pretty much all other holidays, but never Xmas. Does anyone know what kind of activities go on? Where can I donate gifts for the kids? Hey Jim, would you maybe be interested in starting a gift donation drop-off point at the CTC? An Angel Tree perhaps? Or does anyone else out there do something like this? Any info would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I forgot to let you guys know that I checked quite a few yard sales for trikes for Labor Day, but didn't have any luck.
Last year I dressed as Santa and rode on my mini-chopper and we gave out candy and rides to the little ones around town...

I have recently talked to my friend Harold aka "trade" on this forum, he and his wife Kathy have built and started a community center "Esparanza Para Nuevo Vida" in the barrio Oriente, we are discussing the posibillity of doing something like a Christmas party for the children out there... Harold and Kathy are doing wonderful work in that barrio with food drives and other much needed support... my hat goes off to the Tuttles... Muchas Gracias Harold and Kathy

I have also recently talked with Parrothead about the possibillity of an event in December at the Thirsty Parrot on the Malecon to bennifit the Adopt-A-Classroom of Rocky Point. Thanks Terry

Every year we have a Christmas Appetizer Party at our house, and just like our upcoming Halloween Party everyone is welcome. This years Christmas Appetizer Night will be on December 23, 09, last year we had a great time at both the Halloween and Christmas Parties, hope you all can make it...

We are also planning on visiting the over 800 students at the 2 schools that we have adopted and spread a little Christmas cheer with the students...

playing Santa is a tough job... I don't know how the real one gets the job done in one night...
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Yes, Seadweller, I am back in Vegas now, but will be coming down the first part of November, when I know the dates, I will let you know and would like to get together with you to see what we can do for the kids Christmas. :razz:
I think it should be for everyone, I will see Harold this weekend and we can talk a bit more about organizing a party at the community center for Christmas.

Our Christmas party at our house is to have our friends over for some fun... bringing gifts is not necessary... Santa showed up last year...
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How about a shoe box drive?

Here's an idea for all y'all. In San Felipe (and countless other places) they have an annual Christmas "shoe box" drive. You fill up a shoe box or two (or 3 or 4 or...) with things kids would like or might need. It started out as primarily toys, crayons, candy, etc. but with the economy the way it is they're branching out to include things like school supplies, socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. And don't forget the older boys and girls and even the parents these days. Times are hard.

A really good source for a list of suggestions of what can be packed in a shoe box is at this Missionary-type website http://www.shoeboxdrive.com/Pack.aspx It's amazing how much stuff you can fit in one of those things! Just establish a drop-off point to collect them and arrange for delivery...

A Christmas shoebox is a good thing to send to our troops overseas, too, while I'm thinking of it. http://www.anysoldier.com has a lot of resources if you want to send care packages to a soldier that you don't know (yet)...
And don't forget to mark them Girl,Boy Man or Woman. Might also be a good idea on the children to mark an age group and or clothing sizes for all. Also remember the average adult size is shorter than in the states.