Moving to RP August 1st.

Sounds like you all were farmers of some sort in WV. What do you and your husband plan to do for income once you get settled? (if you don't mind me asking)
I just like to know how some Americans live in PP (income wise). I often dream of making the move there myself.
So you all are going to just live of his military pension?
Sorry to be so I said, just wanted to see how some people do it so I too can do it one day.
I wish you the best of luck.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
you could probably live off $2000 per month in penasco. save $330,000 and you won't have to work.


Do the expats in the area have any meet and greet type gatherings?
There are a few formal social groups here that seem to be predominantly US folk but not a lot. RP Times usually has a list. The expats here fall into several categories and actually are relatively few and far between in number. (I'll share the categories, but only privately !)Seems like very few have children. Think there are only 5 or 6 full timers on this forum. Few years back seemed like 80% of the US folk were real estate sales persons who came to work and not here for the life! I have heard total numbers of expats quoted of in the thousands but I don't believe it . My advice is to make lots of local Mexican friends, they are more interesting and helpful. I have been here for now 7 or 8 years and know only a few expats but I am pretty much a loner with mainly Mexican friends, most of whom are or were neighbors. That's the advantage to me of living in town or the Mirador. On Sandy Beach you will be isolated, living among transient visitors with few full timers and those virtually all US folk. You will meet Mexican visitors there too and you will soon learn how they like to party when on vacation !!


you could probably live off $2000 per month in penasco. save $330,000 and you won't have to work.
Rent and electricity are the two biggies. With the right rent and careful use of electricity one person with a modest life style can easliy live off less than half that with a good quality of life.
Thanks Roberto. That is what is was kind of assuming. We were just afraid to get a place in town not knowing the area. We plan on really researching the area and hang with locals during our time.

yes, we plan on living off his pension. We live really simply and plan to continue that. I guess you can say we are not the typical American. Fam. We do not live beyond our means. ;)
Yes... I know what you mean there Nomad.
How was it you decided to move to PP? Living in WV, I am sure you didnt make many trips to PP.
Sometimes when you hear of Americans chucking it all and moving there, they are trying to run away from something.
I'm not saying that is your case, just curious what sold you on PP.

GV Jack

Snorin God
One morning I went to Reggie's for one of their fabulous cinnamon rolls and there was a teacher with about
10-12 kids having a class there. There were three American kids in the class and I would guess their ages to be
about 13-14. They ate their snacks and gave brief reports on something. It was all in Spanish and the US kids
appeared to me, to be fluent. After each report the kids critiqued each other. It was quite interesting and when
they left I wanted to chat with the teacher, but he had his hands full rounding them up to leave. They weren't in
uniforms and I wonder if it was from the private school.
You have very lucky kids! Living in a country other than their own is a wonderful way to figure out the world. I was 55 before I moved away from the US - and surely did learn a lot from the experience. Wish I had done it much earlier in my life.
No, not hiding from anything, just a change. We like farming but, wanted something else. We weren't happy with the town. I think it is also a good age for my son, not to young, just old enough. We actually looked at Uruguay and Belize. We ended up deciding on RP we wanted a relax lifestyle plus be able to live on my husbands retirement.
Plus you are not too far from the US if you need to come back for something. Not that you will. I have found that I can get just about everything I need there and if you cant get there... order it on line.
How many times have you visited PP?
Well, never visited. Yes, I know sounds weird. We made the decision to move out of the country and we are doing it. We had a lot of places on out list, did research and narrowed it down.

Yes, being close to the u.s. will be nice if needed. We would rather rely on the local community rather than having to come back to the U.S.

El Gato

Don't know if anyone mentioned Burrito Express? If you have a Lukeville PO Box you can get all your US Mail (plus send out) and Burrito Express, for $30/mo) will pick it up for you. Has been a wonderful service for us - when I get un-lazy and off the terrace or beach and go retrieve it. Somehow mail (or telephones) don't seem quite as important down here. Mexican mail service is not all that reliable and/or fast.

Over the past year it has been much easier to get more things down here. Super Ley now has Skippy Peanut butter - a favorite of DH. And you'll want to discover CS Restaurant Supply as Michelle and Carlos carry a lot of great stuff!
I meant to ask about the electrical outlets. Is PP on the same system as the us or do we need to get some type of converter?