4th weekend


Will there be liquor sales during the 4th of July weekend or will it be dry I have heard rumors both ways but have not found any more info. Won't keep me from coming down just wondering if I need to bring some from home.


It will only be dry if there is elections going on, otherwise should be fine and as of right now I have not heard of any elections for those days, probably some one living down in PP will have a more defenite answer for you!!


I'll be getting down there on Thursday afternoon. I'm stocking up for the weekend just in case. That would suck.

A little OT: Back in 2000 during the Mexican presidential elections (when Fox won), I flew into Guaymas to go to San Carlos for the weekend. I shared a cab with a gringo couple who knew nothing about the elections and it being a "dry weekend". I had a friend down there who had already stocked up for us. When I explained why there were no liquor sales the whole weekend, the woman was furious and said: "What the hell! How could they do that to us? Don't they know it's a holiday weekend?" I not so politely reminded her that it was NOT a holiday weekend in Mexico.

Just gotta love the isolated gringo mindset! LOL


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Snicker! I, too, have had to set some gringos straight here and there over the years.......One lady was complaining once about a silver bracelet. she huffed, "well, I would buy it but it has hecho en Mexico on it" She had already been complaining for several minutes about everything she looked at, too garish, too cheap looking, etc. and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I asked her if she knew where she was. She looked at me, surprised and then started yellng at all of us. I was embarrassed for her. I hope she never came back. If she could cause that much trouble in a store, I would hate to go out and eat with her!:eek3:
Will there be liquor sales during the 4th of July weekend or will it be dry I have heard rumors both ways but have not found any more info. Won't keep me from coming down just wondering if I need to bring some from home.
It is not a dry weekend. There are elections in other States, but Sonora isn't one of them. That said, I'll bet a buck that this same question gets asked (probably in this same thread) at least ten more times before the 4th.

Terry C

10 more? Let's bet, who ever wins with the correct answer of posts, Jeep Jeep pays for the dinner.... and drinks `
10 more? Let's bet, who ever wins with the correct answer of posts, Jeep Jeep pays for the dinner.... and drinks `
How many do you guess? This could be like a football pool. Skip dinner...just a six-pack. But it can't be Tecate because I'm boycotting...more on that soon.
They DID have a dry weekend last 4th when I was there and it was funny, as we hurriedly threw cases of beer and tequila into our shopping carts at Super Ley, trying to beat the deadline, the locals I spoke to had no idea it was going to be dry. (They were Mexican and PROBABLY locals, as they didn't look to be dressed for vacation.) I think we started a little panic scene while waiting in line just before closing time.


I'll say 5 more times and now that everybody knows, it might get ask only 3 more times, however I do want to know what's going on with Tecate Rosie?
Local bars, restaurants and liquor stores are being subjected to unfair competition coming from the very entity that sells them their beer! Tecate sells beer to them at a higher price than what they offer directly to the public. They compete with their customers, and local families are suffering because of it. I have my own personal boycott going because I support local businesses. I will drink Corona. Can't help it...I'm a child of the sixties, y'know...peace demonstrations, lettuce and grape boycotts, etc. Civil protest runs in my blood while music from Woodstock resounds in my headphones! What will you be drinking?

Liquor laws are clear about the distance a new liquor store must be to its competition and to churches, schools and propane sales...yet OXXOs (owned by Tecate) are springing up like weeds all over town. This too is hurting families and the employees of businesses that helped build this city. As Joe McDonald once sang, "Gimme an F..."


Rosie, I know that Tecate and Indio are products of Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma S.A. de C.V. are there other beer products that they make? is barrilitos one of them?


I understand progress is inevitable and that large corporations local or international will open doors in PP, however I do agree that oversaturation of the market by one company is even bad for themselves and I do agree with Rosie about the amount of OXXO opening in PP lately, I do like the more personable "abarrotes" stores so typical of Mexico and all the latin countries, they might not carry all you need but for sure they take out of the aprieto!!

And OXXO does not mean kiss, hug, hug kiss or hug kiss, kiss, hug or any variation thereafter, it just means that many of the little, and some big, abarrotes stores will be closing!!

I personally support all the mom and pop business in Mexico and USA or anywhere I go
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
You go, Rosy, I'm right there with you! I was in a demonstration with Cesar Chavez in the mid 70's. A bullet whistled by my ear.....I have not eaten one California grape since 1973! Gimme a K! What's that spell?

I've never been in an OXXO and never will! Nor the Circle K's or Burger King in PP.

Thank God for Pacifico!!!!