Anyone catching fish in Penasco?


I see posts of huge grouper being brought in almost every day in Santo Thomas. Is that area more prolific? Is it easier to fish? I see a lot of postings from pangas with the coast in view. Surely they are not taking pangas out 50 miles right?
What ever happend to superfisherman Shawno. He still killing it, just not posting?
Happy New year all
Some of the folks going out on the pongas are doing well on count but nothing very big. Mostly Rock Bass and some Triggers. I went out yesterday on my pontoon in close and not a bite. I then put the outboard motor on and went further out, 1/2 mile and got some small rock bass for dinner. One thing I noticed is the water is not clear out a way. It gets cloudy with I think a Plankton may be active.


What ever happend to superfisherman Shawno.

I'm still fishing a lot, but posting photos in Instagram under Shawnoaz
Nice fish!!
What kind of setup are you using? I was out there two weeks ago but very windy and choppy, made it dangerous to climb over those slippery rocks. I still managed to do it, but I just kept getting snagged and losing hooks and sinkers..
Also, when I went I accessed the pier via Wrecked.. is there an easier, or more private way than thru the restaurant? I would like to possibly launch an inflatable boat or kayak off of there.. any suggestions?


To me looks like a 2 hook system with sinker and I think squid or octopus for bait. Heres a trick I use I use two strands of steel leader thinner is beter for smaller fish. You just need the crimpers and some sleeves to make em.
Hell ya, ill be down next week in las conchas but will try to make it out to the pier to fish for some of that action!


Nice fish!!
What kind of setup are you using? I was out there two weeks ago but very windy and choppy, made it dangerous to climb over those slippery rocks. I still managed to do it, but I just kept getting snagged and losing hooks and sinkers..
Also, when I went I accessed the pier via Wrecked.. is there an easier, or more private way than thru the restaurant? I would like to possibly launch an inflatable boat or kayak off of there.. any suggestions?
Sorry for the delayed reply, I was originally using hook and sinker either before or after, i usually tied my sinker on with 5 lb test so i can break free if one manages to get it stuck. Losing them seems to be pretty common for me as well. I try to cast into areas between rocks where it looks less likely to snag. Additionally I will sometimes throw with no weight and let the bait drift (using primarily squid) I stay away from braid as well, it seems to do terrible in the rocks especially when the triggers or cabrilla go into them. And as far as access I park to the left of,the gate that gives you access to wrecked at the reef and walk along the side of,the fence to avoid the restaurant. It would be doable to carry your Yak down that way as well. Also I was getting serious trigger bites and had one or two bite through my 25 lb test so I switched to a steel leader and used smaller hooks since their mouths dont accept much the east side of pier seems to be laden with trigger where as the west side I caught pinto and sardinero (juveniles mostly so i released them) hope this helps. Cast out about 20 ft let it get to the bottom if the triggers will let you.


Sounds like the pier has one good use. Glad they are not stopping entry.
One expensive fishing pier. Just need a couple taco stands and a mini bar out there. Then it would be set, a shaded walk way and some benches would be great also.
To me looks like a 2 hook system with sinker and I think squid or octopus for bait. Heres a trick I use I use two strands of steel leader thinner is beter for smaller fish. You just need the crimpers and some sleeves to make em.
Can you elaborate further on your steel leader setup.. maybe a pic or two? Also, is it a drop shot type rig (with 2 hooks then weight at bottom or Carolina rig with sliding weight first then the hook(s))?
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Oh and silver kastmaster for pompano
Right on man, thanks for the insight.
I'll be going down there on Wed.. going to be staying @ las conchas (first time staying in las conchas)... going to try and get a Panga (went on La Princesa last time and we did VERY good... Francisco has some really good points about 8 or 10 miles out).. and if weather permits would like to launch a kayak off of that pier and concentrate on the west side..
If anyone else is staying down by las conchas would love to get some pointers and maybe get a session in off of the beach (would be my first time fishing the area).


Not to sure about Los Conchas I have not fished that area. I tried Cholla this week on my kayak and from shore, not a whole lot of luck (probably wasnt starting early enough) got a Cochi on kayak and Pompano from shore. Of course squid wasn't in season so I didn't have my bait of preference. But MexicoJoe caught a beautiful corvina or white sea bass check out his Slay Ride thread. Good luck man!


Nicolai - i get frozen squid at the sea products shrimp place near the catholic church. its wayyyy too much squid as its a frozen 2 kilos but is only $ what the heck......
i also read someone goes and gets some at the mini Lays - they have a pretty lame fish section but do have squid and octopus so you could buy smaller quantities


I tried super ley and Ramon's store but both said they were out of season, and I did have opportunity at super ley to buy a sheet of big squid. Ended up using mackerel. Although I had a weird sensation on the line when I had the mackerel head out, it was like a slow pull and bend on the rod and I was thinking maybe a fish checking it out. So I waited to get a more sure hit on it to set the hook but it never came and whatever it was pulled the mackerel head off, thinking possible octopus?