Boat attacked by whales

Seriously, I'm not kidding. Those of you who are into boating will find this especially interesting.

It seems that a J/World yacht, the J/120, accidentally sailed into a pod of whales (possibly blues) during the beginning of the Baja Ha-Ha off the Pacific coast of Baja and one or more of the whales attacked the boat. The boat lost its rudder, began taking on water and the crew had to pile into their lifeboat to survive. All five of the crew survived (they were well trained and knew what to do, and the Coast Guard rescued them after about 4 hours) but the boat sank in 7 minutes or less. Amazing story, with details at Latitude 38 and J/World.

Absolutely beautiful boat, it's a shame that she sank. This is a WOW story!


You have the best web site on Puerto Penasco I have seen. I promise not to post another comment like my Giant Squid attacking Tessoro comment....It just sort of came out!
You have the best web site on Puerto Penasco I have seen. I promise not to post another comment like my Giant Squid attacking Tessoro comment....It just sort of came out!
Well, it made ME laugh! :lol: :fish: (thanks for the compliment, gee gosh oh shucks)


Off topic but not really. I was chatting online with a friend who said that he had heard a boat was in trouble tonight at sea. I tried to call my compadre Villa Cota in Cholla but he didn't answer. Has anyone heard anything about this? With 26 out of action, it's hard to keep up on what's going on.
Off topic but not really. I was chatting online with a friend who said that he had heard a boat was in trouble tonight at sea. I tried to call my compadre Villa Cota in Cholla but he didn't answer. Has anyone heard anything about this? With 26 out of action, it's hard to keep up on what's going on.
Yes Jim I just heard that a shrimp boat went down and only one survivor has been recovered... I know someone who had a brother and uncle working the boat... this is very sad news...
the word is that during the winds and bad weather on Tuesday night the net on this boat got entangled in the prop, and it fouled the rudder and a big wave overturned the boat.

The one survivor is a 21 year old that was in the water from Tuesday night until yesterday...


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. As most of you know, I'm pretty big on boating safety. When things go wrong out there, they can go wrong in a hurry. This one of the reasons I'd like to see Channel 26 brought back online. The manager at Safe Marine confirmed last weekend that the Mexican Army took 26 offline because the narcos had been using it to communicate. I had my radio on all day while I was out and never heard anything on it, on any channel. Not a good feeling at all.
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. As most of you know, I'm pretty big on boating safety. When things go wrong out there, they can go wrong in a hurry. This one of the reasons I'd like to see Channel 26 brought back online. The manager at Safe Marine confirmed last weekend that the Mexican Army took 26 offline because the narcos had been using it to communicate. I had my radio on all day while I was out and never heard anything on it, on any channel. Not a good feeling at all.
Stuart...are you saying that they're jamming the frequency, or just took down the repeaters?

Would definitely like to see a useable frequncy down there. When I ride jetskiis with my daughter, we sometimes go several miles out (even have gone to Bird Island)...and at sea level on a jetski, with any kind of swells or waves, it is difficult to spot each other out there if we get somewhat separated....that's why we each carry a handheld vhf.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
They took down the repeater and no one is using the channel at all. I hailed for a radio check on it a dozen times with no reply at all.
the word is that during the winds and bad weather on Tuesday night the net on this boat got entangled in the prop, and it fouled the rudder and a big wave overturned the boat.

The one survivor is a 21 year old that was in the water from Tuesday night until yesterday...
That's very bad news. I feel awful for their families.