Boating Emergency Assistance out of Puerto Penasco

I'm sure the fishing regulars will pipe in, and if I'm wrong, will correct me (or slap me around:rofl: ), but as far as I'm concerned, out on the water (I ride jetskis...the big 3 seaters), I expect no assistance. I speak minimal Spanish. There used to be a Search and Rescue out of Cholla. My understanding from a long time member of it and resident of Penasco, it no longer exists. I saw reports of the repeaters for the marine radio channel (26???) to be taken down by the Mexican Navy a while back.

I used to carry a vhf marine radio, now I just carry a cellphone that works down there, and hope that I'm close enough to shore to have reception if I have a problem. I've also stopped riding solo with the jetskis....I make sure both of my jetskis are running before I venture out any distance (like out to Bird Island). I have seen reports from those who launch from Safe Marina about leaving a "float plan" with the case you do have a problem.

If the situation has changed.....I would also definitely welcome the information.

As an anecdote.....I've towed a couple of boats into Cholla or the harbor that had problems, and none of the pangas going by even made any attempt to help.....
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Correct, VHF Channel 26, which was hosted by the Cholla Bay Sportsman's Club was taken out of service by the Mexican Navy because they said the drug runners were using it. It was the ONLY station in Penasco that had a repeater, which provided a lot more radio range for those of us who head out all over the northern Sea of Cortez.

The official stance now is to use VHF Channel 16 to call for help in an emergency situation. That works fine if you've got a good radio and are within range, but if you're not, you are on your own. I would suggest still calling on Channel 16 because you may be picked up by a boat that is within range and they can relay a message. Also, cell phone coverage is good for fair distance off shore, so if you do know someone that can help you, have that number at the ready. Also, make certain to file a float plan. Safe Marine requires you to fill out a dispatch before you launch. The public harbor and Cholla do not.

For the most part, you are on your own out there and should be prepared to handle whatever happens. There is no SeaTow or Coast Guard helicopter than can come to your rescue. The Bomberos operate a small boat for water rescue. The Navy has larger vessels, but "rescue" isn't really their charter. More like search and body recovery. When things go wrong out there, they go very wrong, very fast. I've personally been involved in a couple of rescues. The one in this link was the most traumatic. The other was slow towing some folks back into Cholla Bay.

Your best bet is to go out on weekends when you know other American boaters will be out and about. You're more like to get a quick response from them than from somebody on shore.Also, try to confirm if your launcher has a radio. Your launcher knows who he launched and who didn't come back yet. Not trying to be negative, just letting you know that's pretty much the way it is.

As with Joe, feel free to correct me where I'm wrong.
Hi there Stuart and Joe,

We are former boaters from Alaska. So we are used to be alone. Just want to know everything about boating in this area. Actually, we are used to living alone also in the wilderness and having to depend on ourselves. We also know lots of boaters and fishermen who disappeared on the water. We sure appreciate all your information.

How much does it cost to have your boat at Safe Marine storage in PP and how much does it cost to launch? intention was not to scare you off....just to be prepared.

Can't answer on current cost at SafeMarina...but when I checked about 2 years ago, it was too pricey for my blood! I used to have a sailboat on the Atlantic side of Long Island (NY). There are 2 other "marinas" in the harbor (or is Balboa's considered a third???) you might check the pricing there too. There is also dry storage out in Cholla, next to JJ's Cantina. Playa D'Oro RV park will also launch your boat....but that can be very rough water for a retrieve.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Hi there Stuart and Joe,
How much does it cost to have your boat at Safe Marine storage in PP and how much does it cost to launch?
Last time I checked, they were charging $4 a foot, based on the length of your trailer. That's storage, not slip fees. Those are different. A launch and recovery at Safe Marine typically runs me about $50. That includes $5 for parking and $5 for a flush and quick rinse when they pull the boat.

If you are planning on storing your boat, there are much cheaper places nearby. However, Safe Marine is very convenient because you can call down in advance and have the boat more or less ready to go.
Can you tell us what some of the other places are for storage. The Safe Marine storage doesn't seem too much, but the $50 in and out do. We will be able to launch our boat ourselves, if that is permitted.

You are really a big help, thank you.


grouper slayer
I store my boat at safe marina and it runs about 100 usd a month. to launch is 20 bucks and motor flush is 5 dollars and parking is also 5 plus a 3 dollars tax so it will cost you 33 dollars. you cant launch your own boat there. and if you launched at the public launch you would ruin your truck as you need to back along way in. and there is no fresh water there either. and my 1st time there i had stuff stolen as there is no security. your better off using safe marina. the guys there are profesionals and take care of your stuff. I use to leave my boat at penasco security storage just out side of town and it was 33 dollars a month. but was inconveinant as there hours are 6 to 6. and i fish late. but the guy will work with you if you let him know. his name is joe. safe marina has 24 hour access. and to me is worth the extra 67 dollars a month. hope this was helpful to you


grouper slayer
also for help out there. you can get a spot they run about 300 dollars maybe less now. and the service is 100 dollars a year. it will alert freinds family and even the us coast gaurd and search and rescue. it sends a gps location of where you are at. it works any where in the world. that $20 each way....launch and retrieve?

At the public launch area they have a tractor to launch and retrieve your boat.....they were charging $5 to park....and I think it was $5 to launch...but I could be wrong....lately the numbers change depending on who you talked to there. At Cholla, they have one of those raised launch buggies to take the trailer out to water deep enough to float. Reelhard is right about no security, though. Although I never had anything stolen or the truck broken into at the public launch area or Cholla (knock on wood!!!), there is no guarantee.


The toal cost of launching at Safe Marina is $33. This includes launch and retrieve ($20), parking($5), flushing your engine ($5), and of course the $3 tax. The peace of mind of know your truck, trailer, and equipment will be well taken care of...priceless!

ralph g

cholla has been back on channel 26 for a while now , channel 9 close in. villa controlls the radio shack there ,if you run into a problem on the water call him and he will cordnate a rescue.


that is 20 dollars total in and out. they charge the same at the public launch
cholla has been back on channel 26 for a while now , channel 9 close in. villa controlls the radio shack there ,if you run into a problem on the water call him and he will cordnate a rescue.
Are the repeaters back also? Otherwise, you are limited in terms of coverage distance.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
We will be able to launch our boat ourselves, if that is permitted.

Self launch is not permitted at Safe Marina-

If you are going to be down there for multiple days, then you can have them launch you on day one, and then park in a slip overnight until you leave.

the daily storage fees work out the same regardless of whether you park the boat on the trailer (30 per day), or slip the boat (25) and park the trailer (5); so rather than paying a launch fee everyday, just launch on the first day, and use a slip until the last day.

Just be sure to tell them before you head out that you intend to park in a slip when you come back in, or else they will be waiting on the ramp with your trailer ready to pull you out when you come back into the harbor.

My last trip down I dropped the boat off at the marina on Saturday afternoon, launched and fished on Sunday, parked in a slip Sunday night, and then fished again on Monday, retrieved, flushed, and washed the boat on Monday evening, and my total marina fees came out to 63 bucks...


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Also- I don't know how good your spanish is (mine sucks), but Arturo At Safe Marina speaks pretty good english, but Jose does not... so have your english-spanish dictionary at the ready :)

I've only been taking my boat down to RP since January 2010, but I've done 5 trips since then, and just knowing that your truck and trailer are safe inside a gated area all day, and that someone is keeping an active float plan for you makes Safe Marina worth every penny in my opinion.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
also for help out there. you can get a spot they run about 300 dollars maybe less now. and the service is 100 dollars a year. it will alert freinds family and even the us coast gaurd and search and rescue. it sends a gps location of where you are at. it works any where in the world.
Those Spots look really cool. I have been meaning to order one....
Just thank you to all who are posting. It is sooo helpful. We have checked out San Carlos for sailing and absolutely love San Carlos, but we prefer Puerto Penasco and hope to sail out of there.