Calle 13 & 12 - paving


You can still get to Max's. The last block to the Penasco del Sol Hotel and Max's is still open. You can get there from the street Duke's is on.


If you come to Calle 13 on the recently paved road coming from Playa Bonita and Sandy Beach you will pass Dukes 9on the left) along with the string of ATV rentals. When you come to Calle 13 at the stop sign, just turn right taking you to Max's. Alternatively coming from Benito Juarez, take Calle 13 across the tracks and you will come to the barriers, turn right on an unpaved portion one block to Calle 14 which is paved, turn left go to the T, near Dukes, turn left, then right on Calle 13. Easy Peasy. Roads are all good except the short block connecting Calle 13 to Calle 14. You could also pick up Calle 11 near the shipyard and go around to Calle 13 that way but the road is kind of crummy. I love to look at the action at the boatyard though.
wow, I thought I was looking at an old post, getting familiar with this forum, then was going to reply, and "poof" I just saw Roberto's post!! I was in the area last night and yes, Roberto is on the money. It's looking good!!


Here are some shots of the progress as of 10/17/2013. The intersections ae getting a different treatment, like a brick look. Curbs are in no sidewalks that I saw. WHOOPS went into download meltdown, again !


Work is progressing on the intersections, same treatment as in the old port, very attractive. Sidewalks seem to be last on the list.
I know to ask for an estimated time of completion for this seems silly. But with the progress you see, whats your opinion?


It seems to go in spurts so hard to say. I'm guessing that they should have Calle 13 done for the bike rally as is per the contract as I understand it. With a good crew the side walks should go fast as the curbs are done. Don't know how they will deal with the outer border of the sidewalks what with all the different buildings entryways being different. Ill say done by November 1 at 7PM !!

Calle 12 is yet to be paved, still all dirt and lots of piles of base coarse here and there.


I did not view it personally but a reliable friend told me that as of last night half of one side of Calle 13 was in sidewalk and they were working under lights. Looks like a good schedule. I'll move my estimate up to October 25 !!!
I think it will be finished enough in 18 days for the biker rally. The bars can't afford to lose the money that is generated by the rally. Calle 13 rocks that weekend!