coastal highway

I have guests that are coming from san diego and want to take the coastal highway but were told it was not safe. Has anyone driven it lately or have any input on it.



I drove from Yuma to PP through San Luis and El Golfo via the Coastal Road in May. The road was in excellent condition, had no problems, and did not feel unsafe at any point. I also have a close friend in San Diego who took the Coastal Road in mid September without incident. There is a military checkpoint between San Luis and El Golfo but it only effects northbound traffic.
Were the warnings your guest recieved specific or were they the standard/generic be afraid of Mexico right now? I am curious as I will be riding a motorcycle down the Coastal Road this weekend and would like to be aware of any new info on road conditions/safety concerns.


I had people come in from Cali. over the week end on the highway. They did not report any problems or feeling unsafe.
Thanks for the responses..greatly appreciated. Now, I have one there a link that gives good directions from yuma to here on the coastal highway or does anyone have any. Also, is it bad driving through san luis? ( they asked me this and I have no clue.) One day will have to do the drive.


Lovin it in RP!
San Luis is pretty easy. you cross the border go 2 -3 blocks till you can make a left then go 2 - 3 blocks to another left then right onto hwy 2 then just follow the signs, ultra easy going in through SL but there is usually a wait on t he return trip I have a road log for the trip and if I can find it I will post it too!
If you want a scenic route comeing in from California you can go in at Mexicalli and take hwy 5 toward San Felipe to hwy 4 east toward Rito. south on Highway 3 to Elgolfo de Santa clara and then down the coastal highway to Penasco. you will go through the area where the earth quake was at victoria.


If you drive at night, not recomended, watch out for critters in the road.


I had a friend from San Diego go home by way of the Highway and loved it. She did miss the turn off for Yuma claiming it was not marked well so she took the next crossing west of yuma.
A couple of things to think about. I normally cross at San Luis going down. When I cross the border I go east on highway 2 for about three miles and take the toll road, 8 dollars, fast and safe. Once you pass El Golfo beware of sand drifts on the road. On my return trips I find it faster to cross at Sonoyta because border wait times are much more predictable. I have been caught at the Federal check point and the border for hours.

Cholla Bay


2 salty dawgs
would love some help - been searching on line with no luck at all for a detailed
map of the coastal highway route.
any and all segemnts, built or not.
I have come across some maps, but really the scale is so large there's no real detail.
I liked that stretch on the way to Puerto Lobos - very nice.
I'd like something where you can actually see each road you need to take from Rocky Point all the way to San Carlos.

Merry Christmas!!!

more eggnog ;)


Lovin it in RP!
would love some help - been searching on line with no luck at all for a detailed
map of the coastal highway route.
any and all segemnts, built or not.
I have come across some maps, but really the scale is so large there's no real detail.
I liked that stretch on the way to Puerto Lobos - very nice.
I'd like something where you can actually see each road you need to take from Rocky Point all the way to San Carlos.

Merry Christmas!!!

more eggnog ;)
It is in the works but probably wont be up till mid Jan to Feb early if it is ready! Pics and all!
I have guests that are coming from san diego and want to take the coastal highway but were told it was not safe. Has anyone driven it lately or have any input on it.

just drove that route last week, as we headed down to RP from PHX and couldn't cross the bridge in Sonoita. so, wee spent night in yuma, crossed at SL (way easy) took the new autopista and then the coastal road. i heard it was a new road, as none of my maps show it, but it didn't look all that new. but, easy to drive, little traffic, but wouldn't drive it at night due to sand/critters/curves and it would be completely pitch black.
I drive that route once a month and it saves me alot of time from California. I normally cross at Mexically and take Hwy 5 to 4 to 3. I travel it at night with no problem but what you have to watch out for is the sand drifts and fog. The fog is very scarry.

Cholla Bay


and fog. The fog is very scarry.

Cholla Bay
That fog creeping in on little cat's feet can be really weird. It rolls into the Mirador occasionally, usually in the early morning hours, and I can't see across the street. Driving in it would be a nightmare.
If you are coming from san diego would it be faster to cross at mexicali vs yuma? Also, is the directions above good for someone that has never driven it before? Thx
never crossed at mexicali, but found that most border crossings going INTO Mexico are quite speedy. have done Tijuana, San Luis and Sonoita all this summer, and no delays at all. coming back? bit of a different story so CA folks will have to weigh in as Sonoita two weeks ago was no waiting on a Tuesday....
You will need a GPS because almost none of the roads are marked with names. Even my GPS has to think real hard. Its a great route through Mexicalli.

Cholla Bay