Hooolaaa Anyone there???


Was there a gas attack in Arizona or is it too hot to type? Or maybe celebrating the magnificent success of your president.
RP's heat index has been worse than Phx the past few weeks, your dew points are creeping close to 80, nasty time without A/C as many there don't have it.

Back to the gas attack, Fake News I'm sure, the Pres checked it out, or maybe he didn't tweet about it. LOL.
How many more days to till the next Presidential election?


Rain yesterday late afternoon after a partially cloudy day. Short deluge. Swamped things out at least on the east end. had no rain at all out on the east end of Unconscious peninsula but 1/4 mile toward town was a mud bog and the usual pools all along Fremont. CAlle 13 was not bad, no pools. Very pleasant this morning lower 80-s nice breeze, even though it is 70% humidity.

Now we can see his hatred for America, it's another anchor baby! I'll bet his compadres en Guanacaste don't even want his ingrate ass back in their cunt-tree.

Used to be that a loser in a fair game just picked himself up, dusted off the blood and dog doo then went on his way, better luck next time Seen-Your. If your so butt-hurt move to Butt-Fuc-I-Stan where you don't even have a choice to vote.


Slurp, slurp..

I AM sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooorry Taco-T.

Did I hurt your little iddie-biddie feelings? Never been a pimp but I'll give you the phone numbers of dozens of my girl friends to attest to my lack of queerness, latest wife as well.

Lets do it in the mud. Out there in front of JJ's about a half mile out to the right. I'll give my buds and chicks the heads up to be there and cheer me on. Certain entertainment!

I'll be there at noon, Friday 1 Sept 17. I'll be driving my gray 2017 Ford Raptor. I'll be sitting at one of the tables in the shade in front of the cocina, chowin down on a plate of fish tacos and free-jollies refritos. Can't miss me, gray Stetson with brass crossed First Cavalry swords, long white hair, shorts and flip flops.

Better bring a good first aid kit and a gurney cause I'll most likely gut you in one slice from your fat belly to windpipe. Fight with fists? You must be joking. Better yet give Cruz Roja a call on you way to JJ's as you will most certainly need them.

By the way....WTF does Jag off mean?

See ya TT.
