Interested in the facts, not the drama, bs or anyone's personal agenda


Don't be afraid! It's safe in Penasco. You wouldn't go to South Phoenix at midnight... just use your head and you'll be fine!
Thx Cholla Gal! We had a great time and all went well! Rog & the guys were fab, too, (they always are!) and yes, I hear you about the more dangerous areas of PHX. Typically, I try avoid those areas too, but take the appropriate precautions if I have to travel to an areas that is known to be dangerous.


Took my kids down to PP in December, an annual thing -- but usually in November -- and looking forward to an adults-only trip in April. I don't understand the media nonsense. Never had a problem in Sonoyta, PP, or the desert highway in between. And I've been going there a couple times a year for 20 years. The media is all about selling ads, and the stories of violence apparently help sell ads. Whatever...I have friends the fly all the way from the UK every Spring for this trip -- it's their major beach vacation of the year. They don't think twice about the safety asepect, and neither do we Arizonans. PP is our secret paradise, that should be a LOT less "secret", but that's the media for you -- and the U.S. State Dept too -- paint all of Mexico with a big Drug Cartel War brush. I feel bad for the PP business owners, and my friends and I are more than happy to drop as much cash as we have when we go there -- it truly is a hidden that deserves a lot more recognition than it gets these days!