Interesting twist on illegal immigration



I figured that would happen. It was interesting that the street urchin that washed my windows in Sonoyta from my return trip last time spoke perfect english and said he was from America.


The law requires that no one be turned away from a medical facility requiring emergency treatment or a woman in labor. I have no argument with that law. However, three Urgent Care facilities on the south part of Tucson had to close because of the number of illegal aliens who walked away from their bills. I would like to see any poster who is so sympathetic toward illegal aliens to sign up to pay the medical bills for just one illegal alien. Since most have fictitious ID, it is impossible to track down deadbeats who skip on their bills. I pay $300/month for $5000 annual deductable health insurance for my wife and son, while illegals get free medical care through taxpayer supported AHCCCS. This last legislative session, the AZ legislature didn't have guts to pass legislation to require legal resident status in order to receive state welfare. As outrageous as this is, it is even less tolerable with the current state of the economy.


jerry said:,0,7484793.story

Fox news must have hated this one!
I like your hook Jerry, so will there be any complains Cactus? I mean isn't he the result of illegals/undocumented foreigners that you always complain about, oh!! wait a second he was born in the USA therefore he does not qualify!!! bla,bla,bla
So Cactus for your information usually what you hear is all about the bad, the ugly and the corrupted very seldom you hear about the good deeds done by also illegals/undocumented people in USA not all are criminals.
Please look at your family tree and you will fine that one time or another some one was also illegal or undocumented coming to this country (with or with out immigration laws, do not hide behind them), that used to belong to the native americans, there were no whities here or in America period (North, Central and South) we all whities came from Europe!!! (I say "we" if you look at me you think I am as american as it gets until I start speaking)
If you do not believe look at North, Central and South American history prior to Cristobal Colon's discovery of the new world!!!!
I am getting tired of hearing you bad mouth everybody, generalizing puts you in the same boat as the criminals!!!!!
Isn't your wife latino? if she a bad person? cause' I bet you that if she was not married to you and you ask her if she would go to USA illegaly to find a better life she probably say "YES!!!!"
some food for thought :eek3:


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I'm still waiting for the answer to my question....What kind of "state welfare" are you referring to? :?


And where did the "natives" come it possible that they came from somewhere else Asia????

I love when people argue "apples and oranges" and get sanctimonious about it......there are laws.....including immigration laws. Break them and get caught...then expect to pay the consequences.

If you read the article that was posted, you can infer that the mother of the wrestler is now "legal"...thru whatever means it happened....since they were talking about her not traveling to see her son wrestle, and the reason for wasn't the lack of her ability to get "papers" (you know, like a passport) to travel.

I don't post much on here or other forums because you always get a bunch of people who don't know squat about an issue but love to gang up and dump on someone who has a different opinion.

BTW...I happen to be one of those LEGAL immigrants to this great country....the U.S.A!!! I also became a citizen at the first opportunity that I could.



Don't worry about Cactus my friend. :arrow: I know Cactus and he's just regrouping and will not go down without a fight. That's one thing I respect about Cactus, he will stand up for what he believes, whether he's right or wrong :roll: . Couldn't help it Cactus, I just had to throw the right or wrong part in..LOL
:lol: Kenny


JustGiveMeSol said:
........I don't post much on here or other forums because you always get a bunch of people who don't know squat about an issue but love to gang up and dump on someone who has a different opinion.

BTW...I happen to be one of those LEGAL immigrants to this great country....the U.S.A!!! I also became a citizen at the first opportunity that I could.
JGMS I guess you do not really know Cactus, I am just bringing a point to someone that no matter what believe that an illegals/undocumented person is a bad/criminal person, besides an immigration law being broken, he talks of all as criminals, so now you are a US citizen, as I am too, but are you a criminal because you were illegal/undocumented once upon a time, I hope not and when you were illegal did you broke any laws other than inmigration laws? I hope you did not I know I did not?
OH and by the way when the first people came east to what now is known as USA (Alaska), across the Bering straight, there were no laws to be broken, better yet there were no boundries or borders to bother with, therefore there were no immigration laws to go by, and after they were settle in this continent, the white men came and almost kill them all, from North America to South America.
I am not 100% percent sure about the north american natives but in my country the spaniards kill the inkas by the thousands every week and they, the spaniards, were the illegals/undocumented the criminals and I am hoping that Cactus will understand that and see that this country was build by inmigrants and that they are still doing so and not ALL are criminals!!!

AZ Miguel

InkaRoads said:
JustGiveMeSol said:
........I am hoping that Cactus will understand that and see that this country was build by immigrants and that they are still doing so and not ALL are criminals!!!
I agree, the only immigrants that are criminals are the ones here illegally and the laws should be enforced to arrest those that break the law of the land, from illegal immigrants to those that employ them. Our taxes should be utilized to stop illegal border crossing BEFORE the crime is committed and we would have less criminals in our communities.


Guest, I don't know Cactus at all....but....

Yes....if you are in the US are breaking the law...and therefore are a criminal. I refuse to refer to the "illegals" as "undocumented", as the politically correct news media likes to do! Another way the general population is being brain washed on the subject!

How do you differentiate between a "good" criminal versus a "bad" criminal????? :roll: :roll: :roll:

My parents and I came to the US "LEGALLY".....following the procedures that are there for immigrating to the US. We didn't sneak across the border, get fake ID's, or steal someone else's identity(by using someone else's Social Security Number). We didn't drive a vehicle with a fake driver's license and we didn't drive a vehicle without insurance....all of these are crimes....some may be misdemeanors, and some are felonies, but crimes no less. I could go on and on.....

We also paid income taxes.....something many of the illegals don't do. (Yes....the employers who hire the "illegals" are also breaking the law and should also be prosecuted!) Yeah, they pay sales taxes when they buy things, but they also avoid many other taxes. We paid for medical services if we had to go to the emergency room (even though we were dirt poor), and didn't overtax the "system" to the point that hospitals have had to shut down, and medical costs have skyrocketed (both medical insurance and services). Not all of the increases are the result of the profits for hospitals/doctrors/drug companies/etc.


" Not all of the increases are the result of the profits for hospitals/doctrors/drug companies/etc."

You forgot the insurance companies. We need a system like Israels.The doctors are well paid employees of the state for the most part and the government (thanks in some part to foreign aid from the US) picks up the tab on the big stuff and for people with no dough.

Much like the Mexicans the Irish poured into the country in many ways in the 1800s that were not legal. The Kellys for instance(my people) were brought here as child laborers and given the names of the Ohio land owners they slaved away for.In New Orleans the Irish did the jobs that were to dangerous for valuable slaves.Things change and if we don't freak out and hammer everyone that is lured here we will be a stronger country with a way better national Soccer team


jerry said:

Things change and if we don't freak out and hammer everyone that is lured here we will be a stronger country with a way better national Soccer team
That is where I wholeheartedly disagree.....the current group of people coming in to the country are not making an attempt to become assimilated....they prefer to maintain their culture AND LANGUAGE and this causes the "hate and discontent" in part....the country is not going to get stronger.

We have been forced to provide translations for just about everything in ballots, driver's license tests, even the "Press 1 for English" when calling your bank or a government office....this did not happen for the Irish, or the Italians, or the Germans, or the Slavic, the Asians, etc......yes, they had their neighborhoods with the stores providing services in their NY City when I was young, the small shopkeepers were frequently Jewish, and they spoke a multitude of languages so they could cater to their customers. You had Chinatown in NYC for just that reason. But any government services (city, state, federal) were all in English. To become a citizen, you had to demonstrate a knowledge of English. I don't think that has changed.....or are the hispanics able to take the test in Spanish????


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Not all of them refuse to learn the language or assimilate. I know quite a few families through my work that until they open their mouths and speak heavily accented English, you would think were American. They talk to me in English altho I am bilingual. They shop at Frys and Costco. They worked their arses off to achieve the American Dream. They've remodeled substandard homes (all they could afford to buy) into beautiful homes. And they did all the work themselves WITH all the proper permits. They've never been in jail. They give food and clothes to the homeless! And they did all this while not being eligible for social services, allowed to get a driver's license or open a bank account. These are the people we need to let stay here. I'm all for deporting real criminals, the bank robbing, child raping, murdering criminals. These hard working families contribute a lot now. Just think how much more they could contribute if they were documented. Please take a look around, you'll see what I see.

And no, the citizenship test is in English. I've seen it and I'm GLAD I don't have to take it! It is 100 questions, some are very difficult!