Interesting twist on illegal immigration



Ladyjeeper....I never said that there are not some that are nice, hard working people....but we had one period of "amnesty".....and there are many (probably in the hundred of thousands or even millions)that didn't take advantage of many more amnesties do you want to have?

The federal gov't needs to take responsibility for the lack of enforcement of the immigration laws (or the lukewarm enforcement) and stop the flow...and make sure that those that get caught don't keep coming back.....once that gets done, then we can talk about another "amnesty", and getting those that are here to become documented.

I'm sure that even if we did that, there are still many that wouldn't bother to try to become "legal"! I'd even bet that the majority would not! Call me a cynic if you want.


There are many who don't trust the government-I was treated very badly myself during the immigration of my wife and family and know how difficult the process is. Yes, let's try to keep the good ones and get rid of the criminal element and by all means secure our borders., but how about some compassion for our neighbors folks.


Sorry dmcauley....but I don't feel compassion for those who have broken our laws.....I do feel compassion for those living in poverty in Mexico, or other latin/south american countries, or even the rest of the world....but we can't solve the problems of the entire world.

Back when my parents and I were preparing to come to the US legally, someone else in the post WWII refugee camp that we were living in wanted our slots.....and reported to the US authorities that my father had way to get disqualified. We lost our slots, and my father had to go thru a very difficult process to prove that he did not have tuberculosis.....he did not know that he would be successful, but he still did took 6 more months living in that camp.....compassion by the authorities or the American public had nothing to do with it....there was a process, and it needed to be followed if we wanted to immigrate to the US.......LEGALLY!

The ones here illegally, especially the ones who have children born in the US, made the choice to come here illegally, and it was their choice to have chldren here, and it was also their choice to not go thru the "process" when the amnesty program was available, regardless of how "difficult" the process may have been....and now it is my fault that they are caught and deported?

I just happened to have met a couple of mexicans my last trip down...who had been in the US illegally, and were caught and deported. Their attitude was interesting....there was no apparent bitterness or anger was one of ...oh well...I gambled, and lost.


70 grand per unskilled bubba in a green and white truck rather than civil suits against the top corporate heads that push the low wage agenda.I'm surprised they haven't figured out a way to hire low paid foreigner contract employees to take the border patrol guys place,We are an Orwellian police state.


JustGiveMeSol said:, I don't know Cactus at all....but....

Sorry, but it seems that you are also part of the "know squat" if you do not know cactus!!!

Yes....if you are in the US are breaking the law...and therefore are a criminal. I refuse to refer to the "illegals" as "undocumented", as the politically correct news media likes to do! Another way the general population is being brain washed on the subject!

most media refers to illegals as "undocumented aliens (from another planet)" not just undocumented, you can be driving your car and not have a drivers license and be an US citizen but then you are undocumented.

How do you differentiate between a "good" criminal versus a "bad" criminal????? :roll: :roll: :roll:

A father with his family/man coming to this country to better themselves/him, yes granted broke an inmigration law that the government considers a crime that not necesarily makes a person a criminal (good criminal) those others thatn come to US an commit hideous crimes or even pickpocket, those are criminals, bad criminals

My parents and I came to the US "LEGALLY".....following the procedures that are there for immigrating to the US. We didn't sneak across the border, get fake ID's, or steal someone else's identity(by using someone else's Social Security Number). We didn't drive a vehicle with a fake driver's license and we didn't drive a vehicle without insurance....all of these are crimes....some may be misdemeanors, and some are felonies, but crimes no less. I could go on and on.....

and on and on, however you were a previlage one because of your situation, which I only know for what you have post, that your family was on a prision camp, political refugees get oppotunities that other do not

We also paid income taxes.....something many of the illegals don't do. (Yes....the employers who hire the "illegals" are also breaking the law and should also be prosecuted!) Yeah, they pay sales taxes when they buy things, but they also avoid many other taxes. We paid for medical services if we had to go to the emergency room (even though we were dirt poor), and didn't overtax the "system" to the point that hospitals have had to shut down, and medical costs have skyrocketed (both medical insurance and services). Not all of the increases are the result of the profits for hospitals/doctrors/drug companies/etc.
you paid taxes and hope still do otherwise you are a criminal under the eyes of the IRS, the majority of illegal/undocumented, although most use a fake SSN, not necesarily some elses SSN, do pay taxes, my personal expirience there is a man in Los Angeles that some how got a hold of my SSN, put an alert on SSN admin and the credit bureaus and I have been keeping track of him it has been almost 10 years all he is doing is working, no loans or anything else under his name and my SSN, at the end of the day I collect all SSN benefits, I even had problems when applying for a loan due to the alert in my SSN.
Another personal experience, while my father was working overseas his residency expired and he was not able to get to US in time to re-new, some how he made it to Tucson and fix it, however before he did he was in Tucson for a whole week, was he a criminal? NO, I know the guy and I know he is not a criminal.
The sad part is that of the millions of illegal/undocumented aliens in US the great majority pays taxes, their doctors, bills, etc.etc.etc. might not be right but they pay their dues even for some one else, like in my case.
OH!! and by the way when the first people came to this continent thru the Bering straight they were not breaking any laws, there were no boundries or borders or laws for that matter, human greed impose those borders and no matter how tall or long the wall is you better believe that they will find a way, "if you build it, they will come..." from fields of dreams, nothing to do with inmigration but it applies too!!!


inkaroads....there you go again.....mixing apples and oranges.....and prunes :lol: :roll: :roll:

Not knowing cactus is completely unrelated to my comment about people not knowing squat about issues.....

And maybe you don't understand the concept, but in the US...."we" are the government....we elect the people who pass the laws. And "we" consider breaking an immigration law a crime. If the majority don't feel that way, the law can be changed.


JustGiveMeSol said:
.......and maybe you don't understand the concept, but in the US...."we" are the government....we elect the people who pass the laws. And "we" consider breaking an immigration law a crime. If the majority don't feel that way, the law can be changed.
I guess you misunderstand the concept of "we are the government" the second term that Bush "won" was not because "we" choose him, and even the first term was surrounded by controversy, so that "we" concept is completely wrong as well as many of the Laws that "we" choose to get rid off and are still there and are so attiquated that do not even relate to this day and age. Were you given the chance to vote or voice your choice to go to war? "WE" :lol: :lol: :lol:
what I meant.....ah forget it, the same way that are many races in this country there are many opinion and they all are like arsshole everyone has one and all stink, including mine!!!!
Viva Tecate!!!!!


I think we need more Jamaican sprinters to move here,some Chinese divers,plenty of Kenyan long distance runners...oh and a few Aussie swimmers would fill out my wish list.


InkaRoads said:
JGMS you did not answer my question, Is my father a criminal?
I thought it was a rhetorical question....and you probably don't want to hear my answer.

Webster's Dictionary has the following....
3: guilty of crime;

So you answer your own question.


Although a few of those nigirian millioners will be also good to supplement our economy an rise the wages of the illegal/undocumented workers in USA :eek3:


JGMS, I am sorry that you need to resourse to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary to realize what "crime/criminal" means, I knew it all along and there is no doubt in my mind what it means!!!
and we are in a free country and your opinion should be heard as well as mine and anybody elses, how other take your opinion is different story and if you think that given me your opinion about my fathers situation back then is going to insult or hurt my feelings then I appreciate your consern, what can you say to me that has not been said before? as we say in spanish "me resbala" :eek:


JGMS is more ignorant and racially biased than senior Amigo.
We also say in spanish Come mierda pinche hijo de tus pinche puto padres.
If our government doesn't make mistakes then why were your folks in a camp?


jerry said:
I think we need more Jamaican sprinters to move here,some Chinese divers,plenty of Kenyan long distance runners...oh and a few Aussie swimmers would fill out my wish list.

OK Jerry I think you've had more than enough of the Olympics for awhile. :roll: Here's what you need to do. First, get up and turn the TV off... Good :!: see if you can get some sleep and check back with us tomorrow.


dmcauley said:
JGMS is more ignorant and racially biased than senior Amigo.
We also say in spanish Come mierda pinche hijo de tus pinche puto padres.
If our government doesn't make mistakes then why were your folks in a camp?
Thank you dmcauley....but why don't you translate for all what you are trying to say to me???? A little bit of "name calling"???? :roll: :(

And if you took the time and read what I posted, we were not in a US government "camp"....although it appears that you edited something out of your original post....we were in a "refugee" camp that was provided by the US and it's Allies from WWII.......

Racially biased? I couldn't care who the "illegal" is in these discussions....although the bulk of them today are hispanic....


[quote="JustGiveMeSol...we were in a "refugee" camp that was provided by the US and it's Allies from WWII.......[/quote]

JGMS I am sorry, I have to apologies to you, I did not caught the part in your original message about being in a refugee camp in WWII.
Some how I thought of Bosnia-Herzegobina, now I understand were you coming from, you are from the old really old school were open minds did not existed or should I say were not allowed, now you can really say what you want I won't bother me at all, but let me tell you one thing, you thought you had it rough, well crimes of political type happen in South America too!!! and they still happen and some are same or worst than in Europe back on the 40's, therefore the reason my family flead Peru, with that all I say now is open your mind you have been in a free country for how long? gadda dammit!!!!!! you could be my greatgrand father for your age I will respect you, but your opinion really stink now!!!!!
apples, oranges, prunes even grapes you can have the hole shabang!!!!! your mind is so close that you did not even understood what I meant by "know squat" about Cactus, let me re-frase it for you, you do know squat about Cactus, you guys are the same type, are you the same person!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
PS: it is hot and I have been cutting tile all day, and now this, it feels like I have been waisting my time here with you, am having a tequila with some tropical juices cranck the volume and listen to some "Les Luthier" (Argentina) to have a laugh and forget about the hole affair!!!
Jerry, which channel are the Olympic games at?


Sorry Kenny, I will finish my drink, turn the volume down and go lay down and have a nap :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
aaaaaaahhhh!!!!! forget it I am so pissed for not paying attention to all his post, I'll have a second drink and turn the volume up, Jeeeerrrrryyyyy wake up!!!!! the olympics are coming!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Basically eat sh*t. I can't stomach your self riighteous attitude. Your generation is responsible for much of what's wrong with our world today. The spare the rod spoil the child attitude is typical.
Maybe you are Cactus but I think even he isn't quite as biased as you.
I use my real name on the forum, I am of Irish decent but learned to speak Spanish out of respect for a people I am proud to call amigoes.


Come on Dan, stop holding back. Tell us how you really feel.. :evil: :lol:

I think you might have woke Jerry up with that one..LOL
